How do i overcome binge eating before i gain too much weight?

Q. I am fifteen and have been on a strict but healthy diet for the last six months or so. I reached a healthy weight that i was happy with and have managed to maintain it for a few months however, for the last few weeks i have recurrently been binge eating and i can't seem to control myself- how can i get my health back on track before i gain back all the weight and my binge eating gets even more out of control?

A. I have been having almost the same problem, I went vegan and began running doing yoga and kickboxing and lost about 50lbs. I think it may be because i deprived myself of things i loved like chocolate, and snack foods like chips and i hardly ate any fat. Try to keep cut up fruits and fill yourself up with that. Its worth a try im trying that starting today. I have been struggling with binge eating for months and i gained 14 lbs in one week. I eat until i am uncomfortably full and almost in pain. Its so ridiculous but hard to control. Let me know if u make any progress, good luck and ur not alone in ur struggle

How does binge eating hurt my body?
Q. Aside from weight gain, what other physiological disadvantages are there to binge eating? Perhaps knowledge of these will deter me from binge eating.

I can imagine that it's not so good for the heart, metabolism, etc.

Thanks very much

A. Binge eating can throw your entire metabolism out of whack with as few as one or two episodes.

Human metabolism isn't based on the quality of the food we digest, but the quantity; how MUCH we eat. Binge eating any kind of food will send a rush of comestibles for your body to process and break down into nutrition. Your metabolism will change AFTER changing your eating habits.

If you, for example, were eating a normal diet and then consumed a large amount of food, your metabolism would attempt to compensate by speeding up, expecting that your next meal will be as large. If it isn't, the new metabolic potential you've taught yourself is basically wasted and you feel hungry the next day, and it will all slow back down if you don't binge again within a few days.

The best answer to counteracting that sort of thing is to watch what you eat if you can't control the binging. Large amounts of nuts, fruit, or other healthy foods will speed up your metabolism as quickly as any other food. Foods rich in capsaicin, like jalapeños or hot sauce (capsaicin is what makes things spicy) are currently being researched as possible substances to quickening metabolism by themselves.

Heart problems, again, are dependent on what you eat. If you're binging McDonalds, your heart is going to suffer, but if you binge with healthy foods as I mentioned above, your heart may actually benefit from an increase in present nutrition if your diet isn't normally comprised of so many healthy foods.

Exercise too, of course, increases metabolic rate significantly; exercise expands the actin and myosin fibers in your muscles, which means that your caloric burn for the day will increase, even if you don't participate in strenuous activity.

I hope this helped. Good luck!

Will I ever be able to control my binge eating?
Q. I've been struggling with bulimia for 3 years now and my weight has been going up and down for a while. I am really trying to lose weight now in a healthy way (exercising and eating healthy) but I still have really bad urges to binge eat all of the time. The few days I haven't given in and fought against the cravings. So my question is will the urges to binge go away over time if i stop giving into them?

A. most important thing is to do this naturally..without medicines, chemicals, "starving" your self etc.

first, it would be best for you to eat as healthy as possible..this will also help you considerably to lose weight gradually and naturally..

eat fresh fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of WATER..avoid all cokes, caffeines, smoking, alchohol etc. as these also add weight as well as they contain chemicals which disturb your natural bio rythmns as well as brain chemistry. try not to eat too much meat, and the meat you should eat should be "lean meat" such as steamed chicken and rice, or steamed fish with rice..and vegetables,, this should be your staple diet rice and vegetables with fruits..AVOID "JUNK FOOD" and "Fast Food" as this type of food is very unhealthy, lacking in vitamins really and has plenty of fattening molecules which make one gain weight and is not good .

if you snack,, try fruits with yogurt or fruit yogurt and nuts.. nuts are very healthy for your body .and contain proteins.

go for walks every evening or morning or whenever you get time each day for 1 hour or 2 hours..make this somewhere you enjoy walking even if you have to drive a bit to there..and make this a daily will enjoy it once you get into it ..and it makes you feel great after..just walking for 1 hour or 2 hours.

if you do this..every day for one month should lose at least 10 pounds per month until you get to your natural healthy weight..dont know what your height is,,but look up on the internet what your weight for your height should be ..and when you get to this weight,,your body will look very nice and you will feel very good.

10 pounds each month in 6 months you should lose 60 pounds..for sure...but no junk food and dont drink alcohol or smoke, dont eat junk..just healthy food with vitamins and walking 1 hour or 2 hours every day..and drink plenty of water..this is guaranteed way to lose weight naturally and for good, if you stick to this, which you should,,as it makes you feel so much more positive due to the vitamins and lack of chemicals making you feel depressed...

btw, forgot to mention,,just in case you dont know how to really make healthy a "food steamer" at your local deparment store..they are very cheap and work very well as buy a "rice cooker" which is also very cheap..eating rice is a great way to get your necessary carbs "healthy carbs" to lose weight and has lots of natural energy inside. you can buy asian rice at most large supermarkets or if you have a local oriental market..they sale quality asian rice.. thai or indian rice is good "jasmine rice".. buy corn or canola oil to sprinkle on vegetables or rice before steaming to add to taste as well as you can buy several nice spices like "cumin" or "Curry powders", etc.just sprinkle on the vegetables before steaming to give nice taste.

drink "Green Tea" as this is very healthy and helps burn weight can buy quality green tea at most oriental shops or large supermarkets as well.

good luck

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How to overcome binge eating disorder?

Q. I have been struggling with binge eating disorder for about 6 years now. I was always a healthy, active, skinny kid. But the summer before 7th grade I started struggling with extreme depression, so I would starve all day and binge all night. I gained a good amount of weight over the summer. Throughout the years my weight has increased more and more. I must have a pretty good metabolism because although I have been overweight for these 6 years, I should be morbidly obese from the way I eat. I consume about 3,000-4,000 calories a day, and double that at parties, special events, and going out. I am 5'4 and 140-150 pounds. While that's not terribly huge, it's still overweight and eventually my metabolism will slow down, so if I keep eating the way I do I'll probably be more around 300 pounds. The best way for me to justify my problem is that I can eat a normal amount throughout the day to keep me satisfied, but once night hits, I'm ravenous. I want to eat everything. I get insane cravings the later it is at night. I've tried going to bed earlier, but I can't sleep due to the intense cravings. I also have serious problems with portion control. If I let myself have a small amount of something, I realize how good it is and give in, and end up eating the entire thing. But if I don't have it at all, I can't stop thinking about it and usually end up eating it anyway or eating something else unhealthy in a huge proportion. I'll be 18 in a few days and I wanna put this silly disorder behind me. I wanna be more mature with food. I have never made myself puke. I have starved myself before though, but it always backfires on me because I find myself so much more hungry. Advice?

A. You aren't alone, every binge eater has almost an identical story. My mom was one for 45 years of her life but recently created a simple solution that will prove to yourself that you can overcome the craziness of binge eating without intense dieting or anything, you can even eat foods you enjoy. She's a certified food psychology coach. Every single client my mom speaks to is successful; not one person has done this strategy and has let food control their life. I can't recommend my mom's program enough, not because she's my mom, but because it's the only program that works since she has been through the binge eating craziness her whole life and understands it more than anyone. She has a website and a video that will give you a feel for what it's all about. I am serious when I say that your life will be changed if you speak to her. Please do it for yourself - nothing else is as effective. She speaks to her clients every day to support them and hold their hand through the process. Hope you give it a shot, you won't regret it.

How to know if you have borderline personality disorder?
Q. ok heres the thing, ive looked at all the symptons of bpd and i feel like i have most of them. like self harm, somewhat erratic moods, splitting but there are a few things that dont make sense like when it says they view others as good or bad and can change suddenly, i feel like i only have that with my family but not friends so does this mean i dont have bpd? Also i dabble in self harm like i normally only do one or two every two weeks at max. and i dont do things like binge eating or particularly reckless behaviour i dont even drink at all. P.S im 19 im not sure if thats relevant though

A. People with bpd are professional a**holes. It's a learned behavior, not a chemical imbalance. Like a kid that gets a new toy to stop a tantrum. I mean, they are amazingly awful.

How to get my son to stop eating everything he sees?
Q. I have a 11 year old obese son, he eats everything he sees.

Today, my 13 year old daughter bought a little bag of chips for herself and left them on the counter to go clean her room.

Well when she was done she came back to the kitchen to get them and saw her brother eating them watching TV.

This is about the 8th time this has happened, I yell at him for it, I tell him not to, he just WILL NOT LISTEN.

I don't want to lock the cupboards because I have other normal weight children but we're getting really mad.

Any ideas?

A. There's an eating disorder known as binge eating. It's just like the opposite of anorexia.

In this question you referred to him as obese and your other kids as normal weight. It may be true but I hope you don't do it in front of him.

He may have eaten his sister's chips, but take a second and think. What makes you more mad - his taking his sister's food, or his eating food in general? Deal with one at a time.

"we're getting really mad" who is we? Is the entire family against him?

Poor kid. Get him some help. TALK to him. Please don't yell.

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How can I suppress my appetite and stop binging without using diet pills or losing my energy?

Q. Sometimes I binge even when am not hungry! and sometimes, I eat because am hungry but I don't stop until am sick! Any suggestions?!

A. I have been through it all and know what's it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can't be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I've worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.

Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.

First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can't eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...

This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it's good for the heart.

However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It's so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I've found a great addition to help any one out, it's a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don't get all crazy on me and say diet pills don't work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn't meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It's an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it's the best pill I've tried and I've tried cupboards full. Now this doesn't mean you have to follow my foot steps but I've successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.

Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.

If someone spends days at a time binge eating until they feel sick then feel guilty to the point they eat?
Q. hardly nothing for days after then restart all over again does it mean they have an eating disorder?

A. It sounds like binge eating disorder or compulsive eating disorder, which ever you wanna call it, and yes it is considered an eating disorder. The most common one I think.

How much weight will i loose if i dont eat?
Q. Im 13 years old and i am sick of not having a boyfriend and getting made fun of. My friends love me the way i am but i don't. Yes ik it isn't very healthy for ur body but its the fastest way to get the weight off. Im going to Exercise 2 but i need to know how much it will take off in a period of time. Also if u have any tips about losing weight please tell me. Thanks!

A. Well, starving yourself is not the answer, but you already knew I was gonna say that right? Being over weight is not the problem, it's a symptom of being unhealthy. Once you get your body healthy, it will slowly decide to shed the pounds. Then you will not only look great, more importantly you will feel great. Starving yourself will only make you look sickly and compromise your immune system, not to mention causes binge eating and eventually gaining all the weight back and more. You will put your body in survival mode by not eating. At that point, your body will hold on to fat (being that its the best way to store energy) and start to break down muscle tissue because muscle demands more calories to maintain. Here are some great tips I tell everybody:

1. Stick to eating organic foods, they are the least processed.
2. All your carbs should be complex carbs. Try sprouted bread.
3. When you are hungry.... Eat! but in moderation. Eat till your satisfied, not till your full.
4. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup and Hydrogenated Oils at all costs. They are poisoning you.
5. Fat doesn't make you fat. 30% of your calories should be from fat.
6. Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep every night. You would be surprised how much fat you burn in your sleep.
7. Cut out all sugar from your diet until you reach your goal weight.
8. Forget Cardio, weight training is better for losing weight. No you will not get muscular, as a female your body doesn't make enough testosterone to look like that.

Hope this helps, good luck!

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How do you deal with impulses to binge?

Q. I have bipolar disorder, and my compulsion to binge is overpowering right now. However, I need to fit in a homemade wedding dress in a couple months. All I have to do is maintain my current weight. Help?

Real answers only please. Obnoxios posters will be reported.

A. contact a support group. you are welcome to contact me if you'd like. I am starting classes on eating disorders for this very same thing.

Does anyone know how to stop a binge eating disorder without parent help?
Q. When I had anorxia the doctors put me on a 3500 calories diet. Then, one day they told me 1500, cutting my calories in half. I maintained wait for 6 months then gained 37 pounds, im only 13. I really want to stop this because if I don't my parent wont let me go to boarding school. This is really hard for me. I've been dealing with an eating disorder since age 11.

A. i have a similar problem. formerly anorexic, but now a binge eater.
my parents are in denial and won't get me therapy.
i'd say to take advantage of support from your friends, and maybe join an online support group.
one thing that worked for me was to find new healthy hobbies: i started going on bike rides and started a glee club. it helped distract me from my body image and gave me something to live for

Is it possible to recover from binge eating disorder? how?
Q. I've gone from anorexia to binge eating I don't stop gaining weight and I'm fat and disgusting. I need help from anyone!

A. Yes, it is entirely possible. I am in recovery now, and I have friends who have recovered. You need to deal with the psychological issues that are causing your eating disorder and instead of avoiding these issues and dealing with them through food, you need to find positive coping mechanisms, works through your feelings and get support as you recover. You should find a dietician and therapist, and also try to attend support groups if able

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What sort of foods should i be eating if?

Q. I'm a runner, and i run every day. Other that i'm generally lazy and lacking in energy and i'm suspicious that it may be something to do with my diet?

I don't like to eat too many carbs as i like to stay slim. I'm pretty strict about most foods and i don't binge on anything. Id just like to have energy, be toned and slim, and not be hungry at the same time xD

A. Carbs is your friend if you are a runner. You say that you run everyday so you should be eating lots of carbs everyday as well to keep your body energized. Don't overdo it but you should be eating lots of carbs such as oats , pasta, rice, etc. Those types of foods will keep you fuller for longer periods of time.

How do YOU make up for a binge?
Q. I had yet another binge.. :( and I know I need help now. I can't seem to break out of the vicious cycle of binge, starve, binge, ... The question is: if u were to binge, ( I mean really binge, like till your stuffed beyond belief) how would you make up for it the next coming days?

A. If I ever binged - I am assuming you mean binge eat- I would honestly feel guilty enough to increase my mileage I run for track practice.

Whether or not you are a runner, you can try running the food off... or do other exercise.

What are the health benefits of running?
Q. As a New Years resolution I am determined to get in shape and get fit. My fitness isnt that bad currently (I could run 10km tomorrow if I had to but I wouldnt feel flash afterwards) and my weight is healthy although I could do to lose a couple of kilo (Thank you Christmas). Ive set myself a goal to run a half marathon on the 2nd of June.
I googled a training schedule and it suggests that I run 5km 3-4 times a week for 4 weeks, then 10km 3-4 times a week until week 8, then 16km 3-4 times a week and by week 12 I should be ready.

I am wondering what I can expect as changes in my body physically and internally. Also any suggestions on a diet to accompany this?

A. Running is not only great for physical health but mental health also. Running is a great stress reliever and can also help improve sleeping habits. You will also find yourself having more energy in every day activities like climbing stairs or walking long distances. You may start to thin out and, depending on the distances you are running, may become more lean.

Diet wise, eat more carbohydrates. These include breads, pastas, etc. Carbs are burned by the body quicker and more efficiently than fats and proteins. This will give you more energy during runs. Chocolate milk is a great after-run drink and eating foods with protein would also be a good idea. However, protein shakes and other substances to help you "bulk up" are not the best idea.

Think of your diet as grading scale. If you were to grade yourself on how healthfully you eat, a runner should aim for an A- or a B+. Obviously, you don't want to be eating fatty, oily, unhealthy food all the time, but also don't force yourself to stick with "super healthy" foods 100% of the time. If you aim for an A+ in dieting, you may lose the willpower to stay healthy and are more likely to binge on some very unhealthy foods. Overall, eat healthy but don't be afraid to snag a cookie or donut every now and then

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How can I stop feeling light headed and dizzy whilst dieting?

Q. After ~12 weeks of lots of alcohol consumption and binge eating, fuelled by misery, I decided to get my act together, change my attitude and behaviour and reverse the effects, namely the 9 pounds gained.
For the past week I have logged my calories faithfully with the myfitnesspal app and although I control how much sugar I eat I do still have substantial carbohydrates from wholegrains, rice and vegetables.
I am 5'4" and my arbitrary calorie goal is 1200 although I wouldn't beat myself up if I went over. Example, today (it is 10pm) I have eaten 1054 calories: 49% from carbohydrates, 28% from fat and 22% protein. Although not hungry I might eat a little more before bed to bring it closer to 1200.

Every time I have dieted in the past I have easily tackled stomach hunger 'sensations' but can't deny that I always feel light headed, woozy, spaced out, derealised. I usually grin and bear it (In a way it is slightly like euphoria and my imagination flows well) but this week and next I need to focus on studying which is tough when feeling spaced out and dizzy.
I guess I could up my calories for a bit but if you have experienced the same and found methods/eating patterns/food types that can combat the dizziness I'd like to hear about it for future reference. Thank you in advance.

A. you're eating below your limit. 1200-1500 cals is the suggested range for rapid weight loss dieting, and 1500-1800 is for more moderate dieting. Your already on the low end and when you dont hit the limit your actually eating less than you should. you should increase your limit to the middle of the range and see if that helps.

How to battle binge eating?
Q. I am wondering if anyone has any tips for combating binge eating? I have put on a good bit of weight since moving home and getting a new job and I believe both alcohol and binge eating are the cause. I have stopped drinking alcohol entirely for the last two weeks and have started exercising everyday before work. I go to the gym for an hour and mainly work on cardio. I then spend 20 minutes on weights and a further hour and a half doing lengths in the pool (breast stroke). I can now do 150 or so lengths.
However, I am still the same weight that I was when I was drinking. I do not want to lose loads of weight I just want to lose a half a stone or so and get back to the weight I was before i moved back home and ultimately stay at that weight.
Any tips or advice would be very welcome. Thank you for reading and responding.

A. well it matters what you eat. stop consuming meat, dairy, and processed foods. you will see results, guaranteed. you can still binge if you want, just binge on fruits and vegetables and water! if you feel the need for more protein to supplement your heavy workout schedule, have some nuts or beans afterwards. stay away from meat and dairy! not only do they not provide you with adequate nutrients, but they sit in your body for a long time and clog up your digestive system, making you slow and lazy. anyone who tells you otherwise is misinformed. grains are iffy because they are usually heavily processed and difficult to digest. I would suggest staying away from bread and pasta. what I would suggest is trying BLACK RICE, your local health food store should have it. this stuff tastes GOOD trust me, and it's far healthier for you than other rice it's full of fiber protein and antioxidants. if you still are addicted(and yes it is an addiction) and need to consume meat/dairy/processed crap then do what you will but just know you're gonna have to make up for it by working out harder/longer or you'll just get fat again. but anyway, if your diet isn't absolute crap I am willing to bet that you are already losing weight just by cutting out alcohol and exercising as much as you do, it will just take time.

Besides antidepressants, what med(s) can be prescribed to combat Binge Eating Disorder?
Q. Self control?! Obviously you have not heard this is a REAL psychological disorder.

A. anti anxiety meds (benzo's like klonopin & ativan), sometimes antipsychotics (abilify,seroquel,geodon etc)if there are signs of a mood disorder also and sometimes mood stabilizers (like lamictal & depokote but depokote causes weight gain so they may not prescribe that with an ED)

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Why does this happen to me after I drink beer and I'm hungover?

Q. Basically I will drink anywhere between 6-10 beers and chug some of them. I will be somewhat hungover the next day, however, the main problem I encounter is that my brain is fried. I can't really put sentences and it seems like I am more psychologically harmed rather then physically harmed.

A. Your brain doesn't work that well when you are dehydrated.
Make sure to drink water and get some salts (eat some chips or a burger), before you go to bed. You should feel better in the morning.
Lying on the couch, watching bad tv and eating junk the day after a binge, is the most you can ask of your brain in this situation...

Whats the best food to eat if you might throw it up/have a bad hangover?
Q. when i get really hungry i get queesy so i didn't eat anything today cuz i wasnt sure if i was going to throw up again or was just really hungry.

hangover remedies also accepted

A. What Does Relieve Hangovers

The only real cure for a hangover is time. If no more alcohol is consumed, hangover symptoms should subside between eight and 24 hours. There are some things that can be done to relieve some of the most severe symptoms.
Water or Sports Drinks - The dehydration effects of alcohol causes some of the most discomfort associated with hangovers -- headache, dizziness, and lightheadedness. The quickest way to relieve those symptoms is to drink lots of water. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade, will not only relieve dehydration, but also replace needed electrolytes.
Painkillers - Aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) may reduce hangover headache and muscle pain, but should not be used if you are experiencing abdominal pain or nausea. The medications themselves are gastric irritants and can compound gastrointestinal hangover symptoms. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) should not be taken during a hangover because alcohol metabolism enhances acetaminophen's toxicity. Also, ibuprofen taken when dehydrated can sometimes cause kidney dysfunction especially in persons with poor kidney function.
Eggs - Because eggs contain cysteine, which breaks down acetaldehyde in the body, eating eggs the morning after a drinking binge could help remove the hangover-causing alcohol metobolite toxin from the body.
Bananas - Alcohol, like any diuretic, depletes the body of potassium. Eating bananas, or other fruit high in potassium, while having hangover symptoms can replenish the potassium and lost electrolytes. Sports drinks typically are good sources of potassium.
Bouillon Soup - If you can't handle the idea of eating anything solid while experiencing severe hangover symptoms, try some bouillon soup. It also can help replace salt and potassium lost during a drinking binge.
Fruit or Fruit Juice - Consuming fruit or fruit juice while hungover can increase energy, replaces vitamins and nutrients and has been shown to speed up the body's process of getting rid of toxins. Fruits and fruit juices therefore can help decrease the intensity of hangover symptoms.

Breakfast ideas for me and for you?
Q. In the morning I will feel hungover and will need a steady breakfast. I know you may feel the need for a good brekky too.
I'm thinking now of a simple fry up OR some lightly scrambled eggs with toast. What u think?

A. Just about anything greasy, fatty, and generally unhealthy always sounded good after a hangover in my binge drinking days. Me and my buddies would often go out to eat and eat big burgers or get steak & eggs for breakfast/brunch (we were hungry men during hangovers). Consuming sport drinks during the day did wonders too.

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