How would someone develop a binge eating disorder or become a compulsive overeater?

Q. If one was to try, albeit it will take time, how would they develop themselves a binge eating disorder? What would they have to do to actually start it up?

How would one become a compulsive overeater?

Other than stress and such, what would need to be done?

A. Hey there, I'm afraid its very easy to develop binge eating disorder. It even takes one binge to set it off. Once someone had a few binges its easy to let the guilt get you into the cycle. You're right to say that binge eating is an emotional disorder- people are more likely to binge eat when they're feeling low than when they're feeling happy. I think low self esteem definitely contributes and is what can keep you into the habit of doing it. If you believe in yourself enough to want to get out of the cycle, you can do it. I myself struggled with binge eating and it got really out of hand, but with support and learning not to beat yourself up and love yourself you can get out of it. Binge eating starts mainly because of emotional reasons. Anyone can become a compulsive overeater unless they really dont care much for food or have never used food to deal with problems. Binge eating disorders are too easy to start up as one binge leads to another and another until you find yourself overeating all the time. Compulsive overreating is when eating becomes out of hand and you eat vast quantities of food in a short time and eat even when very full. I've been there and binge eating is horrible. If you suffer from this get support and see a counsellor. Hope I helped answer your question :)

How can I solve my binge eating disorder?
Q. My binge eating is ruining my life. I visit counselors, take Prozac, try to stay busy, but I STILL binge eat! It's consuming every part of my life and I am so confused on how to free myself.

A. try practicing mindful eating...everytime you're going to eat, make sure the TV is off, there are no outside distractions (i.e. reading/talking on phone, etc.) and set a place for yourself at the table and eat from plates with real silverware and a napkin and all that good stuff. try to force yourself to eat slowly and concentrate on every bite you take and notice in the moment whether or not the food your eating is satisfying you emotionally and physically.

Seeing a dietitian (who specializes in eating disorders) could also help! Your counselor may be able to recommend someone for you.

I've been binge eating for the past three days. How do I stop before I make it a complete habit?
Q. I've been really stressed out for the past days and I have been binge eating like crazy. I used to binge eat a lot, almost every day, but I got rid of the habit for the last two months or so. But ever since a couple of days ago it came back. I'm starting to build the habit again. How do I stop??? Its like in my system and I can't let it go!

A. That's easy!!
when you feel like you want to eat, drink water, your brain sometimes confuses thirst with hunger.
Wear an elastic band around your arm, and whenever you feel like binge eating then ping it!!
And if you want to lose weight, then drink water before you eat, and while you eat.. constantly sip on water.. it REALLY helps!! I'm loosing soooo much thanks to water!!
make water your new best friend!!
Good luck!! =D

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