How do I stop my binge eating habit?

Q. I have a problem with binge eating junk food.
When it comes to meals, like pasta or meat, I don't have a problem eating the right amount, but when I try to eat just a bit of desserts or chips and stuff like that I can't stop.
I'm not huge, i'm 155 pounds, but i'm afraid that I'll go down the path of obesity if I don't fix this.

Do you guys have any tips?

A. I have the same problem too!
I heard if you eat a 100 calorie piece of dark chocolate every day it helps curb your craving for salty and sweet food, making you eat less of it. I've also heard if you eat peppermint right after dinner it curbs your appetite and you'll eat less dessert. I'm going to try the peppermint thing soon, since it's got less calories than the chocolate. It's good to indulge every once in a while. One day of overeating won't cause you to gain more weight. It's only if you do it all the time.
You could google home remedies of ways to curb your appetite so you don't binge eat junk food (just don't do it with the rest of the foods you eat if you don't have a problem with them :P)

Is it still bulimia if you do not make yourself throw up after?
Q. I think I may have a binge eating problem. I eat and eat and eat and it helps with anxiety and I have a hard time stopping. But I do not make myself throw up.

Would it still be bulimia if i dont make myself puke?
ill be going to OA soon.

A. would be considered simply binge-eating

How do you stop binge eating?
Q. I have a problem with binge eating. I love to eat and i do it way to much. I always over eat a lot. Sometimes around 4,000-6,000 calories a day. Do you have any tips to stop?

A. sounds like you might have an eating disorder (yes, binge eating is an eating disorder too)

i would recommend therapy, i have had eating disorders pretty much all my life (im 19) and therapy has really helped me.

I have recently been bulimic and the therapy for that has actually helped me to reduce my binges to about once a month - and before i was doing it pretty much everyday!

So lucky me, my bulimia is now in remission. Too bad i still have something like EDNOS... but for you it sounds like therapy can help is my point.

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