What are some signs of eating disorders?

Q. I think my little 13 year old sister has eating disorders. She never eats much at all and if you ask if she is hungury she says no i'm fine and at super she pushes her food around to make it look like she ate a lot. Once I watched her the hole time through dinner and she only took 3 bites. Also she always is saying how she ways so much and how fat she is. She seems to exercise a lot also.

A. There are four common types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, compulsive overeating, and binge-eating disorder. If your sister has any it is most likely not the last two, because they involve eating a lot. But it is possible your sister may have anorexia nervosa (commonly referred to as anorexic) or bulimia nervosa (commonly referred to as bulimic)

Anorexia typically involves irrational fear of becoming obese, and results in severe weight loss due to self-starvation; may include bingeing and purging behavior.

Bulimia typically involves extremely restrictive dieting and regular and repeated binge eating, followed by self-induced vomiting, purging through abuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas, or excessive physical activity.

Some signs are:


- Has lost a great deal of weight in a relatively short time period
- Continues to diet although bone-thin
- Remains dissatisfied with appearance, claiming to feel fat, even after reaching weight-loss
- Loses monthly menstrual periods
- Develops strange eating rituals and eats small amounts of food (i.e., cutting foods into tiny pieces, moves around on plate)
- Becomes obsessive about exercising
- Appears depressed much of the time
- Denial of hunger


- Binge regularly
- Purges regularly
- Diets and exercises often
- Disappears into bathroom often (for a long period of time to induce vomiting)
- Appears depressed much of the time
- Has swollen neck glands
- Has bad breath
- Has scars on the back of hands from forced vomiting


I believe, from the information you gave us, that your sister may very well have either anorexia or bulimia. It is most common in females in their teenage years and is caused by low self-esteem, fear of becoming fat, fear of growing up and becoming independent, peer pressure, and media influences. I would definitely talk to a guidance counselor, health teacher, your parents, or someone else that will be able to help her. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TRY TO HANDLE THIS YOURSELF!!! You need to get your sister professional help, because people with one of these disorders can take anything you say and think of it as another reason to keep losing weight.
These diseases can cause serious health problems and can even become fatal. The bottom line is your sister needs help. Please do not hesitate to get her help. Good luck and I hope everything turns out well!

What are the Warning Signs of an eating disorder?
Q. I think I may have an eating disorder. I have like half of the warning signs, but I know i am not anorexic or bulimic.

Can you give me some of the warning signs?

A. Hello Dear,

If you are having warnings signs like

-Dramatical weight loss in short period of time
-Intense fear of gaining weight
-Extreme fear of gaining weight
-Alternation in eating pattern between binges and fasts
-Depressive moods and self-deprecating thoughts following a binge

Or some physical problems like

-Chronic kidney problems
-Electrolyte imbalance
-Low potassium. etc.

then you probably have eating disorder. You may find more online information and courses for eating disorder and can prevent your self and others before suffering. After all prevention is better than cure.

Can you be underweight or a healthy weight and have binge eating disorder?
Q. Just wondering. I'm healthy weight verging on a bit underweight and struggle with binge eating. People tend to associate it with obesity and being overweight though.

A. Hello! Binge eating is what usually causes obisity. When people binge eat its usually a sign of depression. Eating makes you feel better and takes your mind off things and can relieve boredom. Try and take notice to how you are feeling when you eat this way and get to the core of the problem. Some people eat and eat and don't gain weight however I don't think that is the focus of this situation. When you feel like sitting around eating call a friend take a walk draw a picture etc. stimulate your mind not your stomach. I hope Ive helped:)

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