How do I stop my binge eating habit?

Q. I have a problem with binge eating junk food.
When it comes to meals, like pasta or meat, I don't have a problem eating the right amount, but when I try to eat just a bit of desserts or chips and stuff like that I can't stop.
I'm not huge, i'm 155 pounds, but i'm afraid that I'll go down the path of obesity if I don't fix this.

Do you guys have any tips?

A. I have the same problem too!
I heard if you eat a 100 calorie piece of dark chocolate every day it helps curb your craving for salty and sweet food, making you eat less of it. I've also heard if you eat peppermint right after dinner it curbs your appetite and you'll eat less dessert. I'm going to try the peppermint thing soon, since it's got less calories than the chocolate. It's good to indulge every once in a while. One day of overeating won't cause you to gain more weight. It's only if you do it all the time.
You could google home remedies of ways to curb your appetite so you don't binge eat junk food (just don't do it with the rest of the foods you eat if you don't have a problem with them :P)

Why is it that when people think eating disorder, they mostly think anorexia or bulimia?
Q. I see a lot people address anorexia and bulimia but they don't take binge eating disorder as seriously. In my eyes it is all the same (and I've suffered from all three of these). It has more to do with a dissatisfaction with oneself and an abuse of your body and/or food to remedy this feeling. So why are some eating disorder given more attention than others?
jakesmom: I think binge eating disorder effects a lot of people. If this weren't the case, than the US wouldn't be suffering an obesity epidemic.

A. i totally see what youre saying because i often wonder the same thing. in MY opinion, i think its because exactly what you said; obesity is so prevelent and seen so much of that people jusat think, "oh theyre fat." i personally have been struggling from anorexia and bulimia for the past 6 years (im 19 now) and its been hell. as a matter of fact, last year when i was admitted to an ED hospital, they only had 20 paitents at a time and out of all of us, there was one older man (early 40's) with binge eating disorder. If you see a heavy person walking down the street, most people unfortunately just think "fatass." whereas if you see someone walking down the street whos skin and bones, youre reaction is a little more sympathetic. some ppl dont give a sh*t either way because they think oh they put themselves through that. I wouldnt wish an ED on my worst enemy because its a lose lose situation. I relapsed 2 days after i was discharged...two days! thats a disgrace. another prblem i had was not telling my psychologist anything i was doing. so in turn, there was nothing he could do either. i showed up, put on a happy face, and left... i apoligize for babbling but that is how i feel about the whole eating disorder issue.

What do I do about a really sharp pain in my bladder?
Q. Sometimes I'll just be sitting there then out of nowhere I'll get this really harsh stinging sharp pain in my bladder. This always happens whenever I pee. It kinda burns actually. I tried going to the doctors and hospitals but they can never find anything wrong and they ALWAYS ask if I am just saying this to get out of school but I'm not and it really hurts. I don't know what to do, I have tried pain relievers but that doesn't help and some home pain remedies, but nothing works. What should I do?

A. Yeah, Im gonna have to second the opinion about it being kidney stones. Do you drink alot of sports drinks, sodas, or powdered mix drinks? Stuff with alot of sugar? Eat alot of salt??

If you are saying "yes" right now I'd bet my left testicle that it is indeed kidney stones. Now, I don't know how long this has been going on for you now, and Im not a doctor, but I can tell you from personal experience (this happened to me twice after gatorade binges), that after the first time you pee and it burns like that, you need to start downing straight water, and letting it out until you cant feel the pain anymore. This method has worked for me, and Im sure theres a good chance for you too.

On the other hand, I'm not a doctor as I said, if this has been going on for awhile, they may be too large to get out that way. My older brother, and grandfather have both had surgeries to have them removed.

Bottom line is this, drink water (eat salty foods so you dont lose all your salt from your body, you actually need some) and be prepared to have to urinate for a few hours. If it goes away I'd say you might be fine, if it doesnt, I'd hightail it to a physician and let 'em know.

For future reference, a safe way to avoid this would be to drink an equal amount of water for every non-water beverage you have.

Hope this works out for ya, I know your pain >.<.

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