How long until a bad habit is broken? And what if someone then messes up again?

Q. Bad habits...smoking, popping knuckles, binge eating/drinking, etc.

How many days does a person have to go without a bad habit in order for it to be officially considered over?

And what does it mean if a person goes, say, 32 consecutive days without their bad habit, and then "does it again" on days 33 and 34? Are they back to their old ways, or was it a fluke?

A. As a general rule, there is no general rule. Most people consider a habit broken when they either no longer feel the urge to do it or have learned to control the urge. And one slip doesn't necessarily mean that they've failed to quit the habit. They may just need a little more work.

what are the best ways to prepare your body for pregnancy?
Q. i am quitting smoking and eating better. i have started exercising and i was wondering what else could i do? i will be trying in about 6-8 months.
i am 21 and married

A. Hey! It's good that you are preparing your body for pregnancy.
On top of what you are doing already, the other things I did to prepare were:

* start taking prenatal vitamins 3 months before trying to conceive. The ones with Folic Acid, it apparently helps :) You can just ask for them at the pharmacy.
* I also tried to limit my drinking (no binge drinking), only a glass or two at a party or something, and the same goes for your partner too, since sperm health is important! Let him curve his drinking/smoking too. Of course, once you are preggers, you should stop completely. Your hubby can drink but he can support you by not drinking in front of you :)
* start exercises that you can continue into your pregnancy. ie. not horseriding or skydiving, but maybe walking, light jogging, swimming, yoga, etc.

and of course, when you actually get to TTC there are a few things to think of, to make your ttc as comfortable and efficient as possible!

Good luck, and lots of baby dust!!! x

How can i avoid binge eating and craving?
Q. I have a problem with binging. I just can't stop eating, even after Im full i continue to eat. i get horrible cravings also. I've been gaining a lot of weight and I'm desperate to break this habit. Any advice?

A. I recommend building accountability with yourself. I have terrible food cravings. I was in denial for a long time about being an emotional overeater, but once I decided I needed to stop, I discovered some things that are really helpful:

1) Keep a food journal. You can do this in an actual notebook, which is how I started. I didn't count calories at first, or even try to limit my eating. I wrote down what I ate and drank and how I was feeling when I ate it. I was able to isolate my reasons for overeating-- feeling out of control-- by doing this. Your reason might be different, but once you know why, it's easier to control it. If you don't like the idea of an actual journal, you can try using or I'm on both of them now-- Howandwhy. They let you track your food using their nutrition database, journal about your eating, connect with people with the same goals, track fitness goals, weight goals, health goals (quit smoking, skip sodas, etc.) When you're ready, start tracking calories and stay within a specific caloric goal.

2) Stay busy. The busier you are, the less time you have to sit around and think about food. I also put my purse in my trunk so it's hard to stop by fast food restaurants on my way home from work. But, also make time for yourself. Cut up veggies and fruit and plan your meals Sunday night before the week starts.

3) Avoid trigger foods. I can't go to Moe's or 5 Guys. Once I have them, I start binging and it takes me weeks to get it back under control.

Just remember, it takes time to change habits. Aim for understanding your pattern first, then build accountability and track your progress-- maybe put a sticker on a calendar every day you don't binge? It's hard and it's a problem I know I'll have forever, but it's manageable with a little self discipline and self esteem. Good luck!

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