Can possible alcohol related problems harm during pregnancy?

Q. Within the past couple years I started drinking more heavily, but I have been trying to quit/cut down for the past few months. Now I think I could be pregnant. I have no problem with not drinking now. I just wonder if any residual health problems (I don't even know if I have any, just wondering) related to drinking too much could hurt during pregnancy. Since the possible conception date I have touched no alcohol and have only been eating healthy and drinking lots of water and taking prenatal vitamins. When I was drinking, I would drink a few beers most nights and sometimes binge drink on a weekend. Oh, don't know if it matters but I'm not even sure if I am pregnant, just started with some of the symptoms that could be period or pregnancy related. I don't know my cycle, it's a little irregular, but I am certain I was ovulating when we had our unplanned possible fertilization... :) Too soon for a test, but I was just wondering about the alcohol thing.

A. You are fine, as long as you dont drink now everything will be ok. I was a bartender before I got pregnant, which meant lots of nights of drinking and I am 9 weeks now and the baby is developing exactly as it should.

How many calories should I consume?
Q. I'm about five foot one, 82 lbs (I am aware that I should gain some weight) and 15 years old. Does anyone have any tips on about how many calories I should consume a day? I exercise at least an hour a day (play field hockey in the fall, run in the winter and spring as well as do year round pilates). I am also). I am really into eating nutritously and avoid things like fast food and a lot of added sugar. Also,does amyone have any tipson how to quit late night snacking (around 8/9)? I tend to eat a lot of Kix and Wheat Thins and...well can't seem to stop even if I drink some green tea to curb my cravings!

A. I agree with gggg. However, the idea is to eat the right food like you suggested. Green tea actually helps you to cleanse your system and raise your metabolism by a bit so if you want to keep this habit it is fine by me. the idea is to sleep well, eat more than what you expend in a day including your hockey workout and your running and pilates and also do the right workout to gain a bit of muscle weight so that you will not lose weight and gain weight more steadily.

First thing first, you need to get your diet under control. This does not mean that you eat a lot of junk food but on the contrary eat a lot of highly complex carbohydrates from natural food. That way, it is easier to gain weight compared to binge eating fast food. One thing i tried so far and has been proven to work is milk. Start of by drinking 500ml of milk 3 times a day first. Weigh yourself before you start the program and check your weight every week at the same time same day. If you do not see an increase in your weight, increase the amount of milk you drink by an additional 100ml. Keep doing so until you see your weight go up by a pound or two. You must still eat your regular meals and only drink your milk in between your normal meals. This will make up 3 milk meals and 3 regular meals with your milk meals ending as the last one.

Next, you might want to google for the workout called the real natural guide to gain weight. I used it a couple of years back and it is still effective up till today for both myself and my clients. Like I stated above, you should be looking to gain around 1pound per week on a consistent basis.

Lastly, you need to sleep a lot. Sleep enables you to recover your muscles and not waste energy by breaking down muscles and fat to keep you awake. My suggestion is to sleep such that you fall asleep and wake up by yourself without any external influence like the alarm clock, the vacuum cleaner or your handphone. This takes dedication but it is bound to help you get the rest you need.

How long will it take to lose 10-20 pounds?
Q. im 13 years old about 6 foot and 190 pounds, im not on the wide side but i do have a lot of fat. my parents are going to put me in a training in the morning and i do football at night, but how long will it take to lose weight?

A. Depends on what you do. What training are you taking up and what is your diet plan!

Its Safe to lose around 2 pounds per week so accordingly that gives it 5 weeks for 10 pounds and 10 weeks for 20 pounds. Add or subtract a week because we get way diverted from our way in between.

This is what I would suggest !

1) calculate your daily calorie intake required here:
2) write down your daily calorie requirement.
3) eat approx. 500 calories less than that you wrote down in step 2.
4) Eat clean food. Vegetables, broccoli, peas, carrots and some more that you might like.
5) Add some protein to your diet but avoid fried stuff. You can eat canned fish.
6) Make a Log book. This is important since you have to loose 25 Kg. (After you lose some 5 kgs you might go lenient on your diet and results stop showing up. then YOU will NEED your LOG to check out what you did two months ago to get those results. Or otherwise to check out where you went wrong.)
7) Stick to it.
8) Keep yourself motivated. Keep reminding yourself of your goal every week.
9) Do cardio at gym. Get on treadmill, cross trainer, recumbent bike .. whatever .. but make the workout count. Do cardio worth 200 calories everyday or atleast 5 times a weak.
10) Stay focused. Dump those parties that give you a reason to binge in.
11) Look for people who are supportive. Your friends, parents, GF .. whoever you can rely on.
12) Join some good forum about Fitness. Keeping in touch with such people will let you stay focused on your goal.

13) Measure yourself only every week and at same time. Like after just getting up.
14) The results when show up, will add to your motivation.

15) Most important : QUIT SODA and FAST FOOD!
16) Drink lots of water.

I am 26 years old. 5' 7" 79 Kgs. I was 87 Kg one and a half month ago when I began taking it seriously.
It will take time. Give it time. Don't look for shortcuts. Work for results.

USE google to find out how many calories are there in a particular food item. I know u will need that information.

DON'T waste your money on fat burners or crap. They 'rarely' work. Fat loss takes time. Its safe to lose weight around 1-2 pounds per week. So give it time. I repeat again --> Don't look for shortcuts! Dedicate and work for the goal.

Most Important: When you accomplish your goal, motivate others!

PS: Seriously, as most of overweight people reach this point of reading, they have already given up their plan to lose body fat and are about to get up from their chair any moment to get a coke because they are thirsty. Quit soda, drink water!

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