How to lose weight without binge eating?

Q. So in every single 'health talk' i've gone to they've all said the same thing, dieting doesn't work. And honestly, i agree 100% because whenever i diet it only leads me to binge and then feel all guilty afterwards. So to lose weight how should i eat without binge eating and dieting?! When i try to diet i cave in after like the second day but i want to lose weight right now so im obviously not going to eat a lot. So what do i do! Haha any personal experience?

A. The basics of weight loss are not as complicated as people make it out to be. You need to simply change your diet to healthy whole foods, fruits and veggies and get plenty of exercise.
It all depends on what you want to get out of it. Check out my fitness blog for more fitness info and ideas:

How to maintain my weight after losing weight?And how can I stop binge eating?
Q. I've been on a low calorie diet for about 2 months and lost 25 pounds, but now I can't stop binge eating and I gained about 5 pounds in a few days!
How do I maintain my weight WITHOUT dieting and exercise ( I don't have time to exercise more than once a week)? And why am I having a huge appetite lately? When I was on diet I could go for more than 16 hours without eating, but now I can't go more than 2-3 hours before I binge

A. Always prepare ahead and have healthy snacks to munch on in your purse to eat through out the day to keep your metabolism moving.

How can I go through a day without caving during a water fast?
Q. I can't seem to make it one day without eating or binge eating at the end of the day. Any tips? I've already emptied my food out of our place but I'm afraid I'll cave and eat some of my husbands food. (we live in a hotel on an air force base). I really want to detoxify my body and get over this. I've been trying for the last year without any success. Please help!!

A. Please don't fast! It won't help you!

Just eat healthier foods, like fruits and vegatables, and lean meats.

but if you really want to go through this water fast, you're going to have to eat SOMETHING. I recomend ritz crackers or rice without any additives.

Please help me with mine:;_ylt=Asfs.VIEGyfW7WMK1TvJPYwd53NG;_ylv=3?qid=20110124045315AApuHmc

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