How do I keep from eating so much at supper time?

Q. I am 5'5" and 150lbs and feel most comfortable at 125. I have been Yoyo ing with my weight ever since high school! I do really good throught the day eating low calorie breakfast and lunch but as soon as i get home from work and working out I binge eat! I can't stop! I feel so guilty and I am gettin married in september and need to get this weight off and keep it off! Please help!

A. Here is something you can try. About 30 minutes before you set down to supper take a heaping spoon full of sugar in your mouth and drink a glass of water. this should kill the appetite to the extent that you won't eat as much as you normally would. Working all day and then working out has lowered your blood sugar and the brain is saying "Feed ME".

How do i stop binge eating?
Q. im not going to lie, i like to eat. i have been really depressed lately. i always seem to be eating when im bored or im getting emotional. how can i stop this binge eating? i want to lose some weight before summer so i would appreciate it if you gave me some advice on stopping my binge eating.

A. I did the same thing, only I'm in a college dorm where it's easy to sit in one spot for hours on end. After gaining 6 pounds and entering a mild depression last semester, I took some serious measures to pull it together. This is what worked:

1. Get rid of your favorite foods. Find out what you're eating the most, and get rid of it. I can't even keep cereal in my room anymore, because I would just snack on it. Replace them with foods that you still like, but are less likely to eat a lot of. Now, instead of grabbing some goldfish crackers, I open my fridge and see yogurt and apples....and cringe a little. Isn't it funny how you only want ready-made junk food when you binge??

2. Make it harder to eat. I've started stocking my fridge with food that needs to be cooked, and that simple change has just about killed my desire to eat. When you get the munchies, you don't want to defrost chicken or prep salad! You want to eat something! It's always too much of a hassle for me to cook something just to solve my momentary cravings, so I end up making a pouty sigh and finding something else to do.

3. RUN AWAY!! If you just can't handle it anymore, then go for a walk. Just wander around the block for 5-10 minutes, and not only will the fresh air lighten your mood, but it will also cure your munchies for the time being. Besides, the more that you move around, the more calories you'll burn.

How to stop binge eating everyday ?
Q. I've been so bad, I got to lose 10-15 pounds to be healthy but am binging everyday on low calorie foods like cereal bars and hot chocolate (diet kinds)... this is killing me! I'm puffy and my face is bloated from binge eating salmon and yogurt today....
I binge on "healthy" foods too.

How do I keep track of myself on weekends ? I find it so hard cos I have nothing to do and am alone in my home.... please help ? I'm losing motivation.

A. Skipping meals does not serve the purpose!
Best to go with certain foods, which are useful to our body, in moderation!
The liver has the function of neutralizing the toxins and alcohol and fat is concerned.
Foods to favor:
White meat and fish, artichokes, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, oranges and berries.
The pancreas produces insulin to lower blood sugar levels, so we avoid the simple sugars in favor of small portions of complex carbohydrates.
Foods to favor:
Pasta, preferably wholemeal bread and rice.
The kidneys maintain stable levels of mineral salts in the blood and eat when you are forced to work too much.
Foods to favor:
oranges, clementines, bananas, because potassium-rich parsley, celery contains apiina.
The intestine, the portion of the colon, the bacteria balance, producing vitamins and eliminate toxins from poor diet and just to put it into crisis.
Foods to favor:
Apples, pears, pineapple, and I know all the chicory ..; /

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