How can I stop myself from binge eating ?

Q. I am 5'3 114 lbs., I diet and exercise. I think the only thing stopping me from losing weight is binge eating. I binge eat when I'm nervous. I also suffer from depression, this also causes me to binge eat. PLEASE HELP. I want to lose weight but i can if I binge eat.

A. Are you the type of person who learns from books, because there are several out on emotional eating. I have the same problem.

Two things that really helped me were something I learned from the people at Overeaters Anonymous (otherwise useless for me, but this was important). It's called HALT.

Never let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.

Second, I learned to manage what I did eat. For some reason, when I craved sugar and crunch snacks, eating protein, especially beef jerky, satisfied something and I felt better and was able to stop the binge.

How do I stop myself from binge eating?
Q. I eat fine during the day and exercise every day, but nearly every evening I have a craving an binge on cookies and chocolate. They are always in my house and I can't stop the urge! How do I stop?

A. Stop buying them. And find an alternative. Chocolate Cheerios work wonders for me. So do Chocolatey Pretzel Special K bars.

How to stop binging eating for good?
Q. I seriously can't take it anymore... I have a goal, and that goal is to get a nice, ripped core with abs. I can't control what my mom buys at the store though. She comes home with cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, a bunch of processed junk that my body starts to crave and all the weight that I lose over the course of two weeks and the nice results that I start to see, I end up gaining every single pound of it back because of binge eating. I'm seriously so mad right now... How do I stop this?

A. I had this problem to some extent; and what helped me was to just remember how guilty and gross i felt after binging. However, you can't completely restrict yourself from the junk food, especially with it being so close to you. If you don't let yourself eat it, you'll eventually just give in and when you do you'll eat everything. If you allow yourself a tiny bit of sweets every week or so, you won't feel the urge to binge on it. Hope i helped!

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