How can I fix my binge eating problem?

Q. I've been binge eating for about a week now. I feel really sick and uncomfortable, yet I still do it everyday. Can anyone with experience in this matter please give me some guidance? I want to fix this before I get a really serious problem and become obese.


A. Manage stress, if you have any.
*Much like exercising, relaxation in the body tends to relieve stress and anxiety. Forms of body relaxation include yoga, bodywork (massage therapy), breathing exercises, tai chi and aroma therapy.

Get medication.
*Antidepressants can help reduce the sad feelings and anxiety that often trigger a binge and appetite suppressants may help in reducing the frequency of binges.

*This can be done through buying a self-help video or book, by calling a hotline for those with eating disorders or by joining a program in which anyone with binge eating disorder can come to support and encourage others.

*Exercise is beneficial to almost any treatment plan as it relieves stress. For those with binge eating disorder, regular fitness can reduce binge eating episodes because stress is a common trigger for binge eating.

Hope this helps!! :))

I've been binge eating for the past three days. How do I stop before I make it a complete habit?
Q. I've been really stressed out for the past days and I have been binge eating like crazy. I used to binge eat a lot, almost every day, but I got rid of the habit for the last two months or so. But ever since a couple of days ago it came back. I'm starting to build the habit again. How do I stop??? Its like in my system and I can't let it go!

A. Dude same problem right here..... Um well of course the answer everyone gives you is excercise but when Im craving that little snack cake in the pantry my mind isn't on running laps. Okay heres what Ives done. If there's nothing to do like if your bored then instead of eating the first delicious thing you see, make an effort to make something. If your hunting for that little debbie cake, go make your own. Im serious just go buy the cake mix and whatever other ingredients u need , (Iguess you could consider this some form of excercise) and go home and make it. It takes at least an hour, it has you goal oriented, and plus you feel a little form of satisfaction. Plus this will get you energized enough to get other things done of course afyter you have a bite of whatever you made. The tempatiion is not as bad. Oh another thing, I know this sounds like something an annorexic would do but make water popcicles. Freeze water ice cubes with sticks in then an it give yous something to keep your mouth occupied. Gum works too. Lol hope I helped sorry I wrote a book... but seriously you have to try it...

How can I stop myself from binge eating ?
Q. I am 5'3 114 lbs., I diet and exercise. I think the only thing stopping me from losing weight is binge eating. I binge eat when I'm nervous. I also suffer from depression, this also causes me to binge eat. PLEASE HELP. I want to lose weight but i can if I binge eat.

A. Are you the type of person who learns from books, because there are several out on emotional eating. I have the same problem.

Two things that really helped me were something I learned from the people at Overeaters Anonymous (otherwise useless for me, but this was important). It's called HALT.

Never let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.

Second, I learned to manage what I did eat. For some reason, when I craved sugar and crunch snacks, eating protein, especially beef jerky, satisfied something and I felt better and was able to stop the binge.

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