how do I lose weight?

Q. I am 12 years old and I weigh about 165 and I think it is a problem.I dont look bad but it is getting out of hand. My doctor says I am only like 10 lbs. over weight because I am tall. I am 5"5. I want to weigh 140. How can I lose weight?? Without buying pills because my mom would never let me!!

A. hi i have gym so I thought these were very helpful ecspecially the second one, when I
keep busy I don't think about eating. Boredeom is the worse enemy I
3 simple tips for losing weight

Go to sleep. Getting enough sleep every night keeps you thin. Why?
When your body doesn't get the 7 to 8 hours it needs every night, it
doesn't get a full resupply of serotonin and dopamine, two feel-good
brain chemicals it craves. So it looks for ways to replenish them, and
guess what immediately releases both in the body: sugary foods. That's
why when you're tired, you start craving sweets! So tuck yourself in
early and stay slim.

Keep your hands full. You'd think that sitting around playing video
games, solitaire, or surfing around Yahoo! would be an invitation to
putting on pounds. Nope. When your fingers are flying, they're not
knuckle-deep in a bowl of chips. Now that's not to say that endless
hours on your duff are good for anybody's waistline, but when you keep
your hands and brain occupied, you're not reaching automatically for
something to eat. In fact, you're probably not even thinking about
food. So the next time you start to open the fridge door, turn on the
computer, or pick up your knitting, instead.

Pick and stick. Yeah, sure, variety may be the spice of life. But it
can also be the death of dieting. When you have a lot of choices for a
meal, it's a lot easier to slip out of good eating habits and into
buffet binges. One way to avoid trouble is to eliminate choices for at
least one meal a day. Pick the meal you rush through most and automate
it. For most people, that's lunch. Find a healthy lunch - maybe salad
with grilled chicken or a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread - and
have it for lunch every day. Every day. Yes, every day. The less you
think about food, the easier it is to control you appetite. And
decreasing choices decreases temptations

yesterday i binged and this morning im 2 pounds heavier(please help . i will answer you question)?
Q. well i been on a serious diet i lost 2 pounds and i binged yesterday .. i ended up eating big bowls of spagetti.. 2 bags of sun chips and 4 cookies..but i know tht wasnt 7000 calories = 2 pounds.. it was maybe 1,000 calories atleast y did i gain two pounds... oh yea i ate the food around 2 am last night and after i felt guilty so i did a 3 mile walk video

A. First, take a deep breath and calm down.

The thing about weight is that it changes constantly. For example, let's say Peter wakes up, goes straight to the bathroom and weighs himself, and 150 comes up. Now he decides to have breakfast. He weighs himself again, and 152 comes up. What just happened here?

Body weight will naturally fluctuate depending on what's in the body, be it water or food. My guess is not that you actually gained two pounds, but that you just filled your body up with a lot of food, and not all of it had been digested yet (depending on how late into the night you binged).

The real question here is, why did you binge? Are you restricting your calories too low, maybe even denying yourself the things you really want to eat? Perhaps you should up your calories and eat more of the food you want in small, regular portions. Binging is typically associated with favorite foods, so don't let yourself think "I can never ever have this again!"

You can eat a cookie or two a day and still stay in a healthy range of calories, or even a bag of chips. In fact, I even manage to fit a whole pack of poptarts and milk (530 calories) in every once in a while.

Really Depressed, and contemplating suicide. What to do/support/advice on how to commit suicide/trolling/etc.?
Q. 15 year old Caucasian Bi male in a middle class family for demographic understanding reasons.
Please, im sorry i dont explain things well in this up front and im not in the best frame of mind anyway.

I sorta had alot going for me in my life the past few years. and though ive felt troubled about alot ive somehow gotten through it. My Girlfriend broke up with me because she thought we had dated to suddenly and had not known each other and she wanted to date with me later, but i fucked up and acted creepy and clingy still and now shes pissed at me. And while that inst the main reason (there are far more) the effect of my own failures have gotten to me...
Reasons for clarity of my mind and everyone else to understand. written in main reasons of depression in no particular order just thought
1. I have Aspergers syndrome and something else not specified by the mental board yet but its something
2.I feel disconnected and non understanding of society and feel i shouldn't belong anymore.
3. The break-up with a person that i feel is the only one beyond my father and grandfather who truly understands me. I know she inst the last gonna be the last person in my life if i do have a future but it was just more the fact it was 100% my fault
4. I'm a creep and i dont understand how to interact with others i piss them off or creep them out and they give their false smiles of self pity or maybe im just acting like an ass saying that
5. My sexuality is plaguing my mind, emotions and social life and im semi closeted, my band mates would kick me out of my band called Greenbeaux (sorry for the plug, just had to for their sake also tell ya about the video we have on youtube of the song feeling good, im the singer and well, its the least i can do for also having you go through this.) and my family would shun me if they knew about my bisexuality.

6. I have bulimarexia which ive struggled with. I hated my body as it was earlier in the year in April and i felt fat at 173 pounds 5-7. I purged and restricted food regularly but still somehow got taller through this to almost 5'9 and i was 123 pounds. I then started dating my now ex (of a month and a quarter the happiest in a long time struggling with the same things as me if only i was better and i wasn't a creep) and with support of friends who intervened and i gained back to 132 and i know im not fat anymore an when i stare at a scale and see that. But weight is the last thing i have control in life. and after the breakup i went into a sort of binge eating mode to relieve my stress and emotions. and now im crawling back lower again, just to find that happiness of being in control and thinner. and its wrecking me gastrointestinal wise now and my bones have pain and im told by everyone to stop losing weight but i deserve it i think
7. I'm failing my high school (an art school i go to for musical theater) and my laziness and pure dysfunction have mad everything fall apart. I dont know what id do. its the only place ive felt connected with.
8. I try to be the good honest nice guy for everyone not for success but because i know its right. But having honesty and integrity have made me worse off than alot of people and nothing goes right in my life when i try to do good.

There is so much on my mind to explain and tell i just cant write it all down. There is so much its unbearable. I have felt suicidal before and have attempted three times from cutting (didnt do it well enough) and twice by shooting myself (Both times i chickened out and regretted the attempts.. yay me)
But this time i feel it again, no one would truly miss me and if they did only becuase they have regret and rtheyd think it was thier fault. I tried so hard in life and i get less and less good things im just unlucky i guess. After i finish my priorities of the school musical and work with my band a bit i guess, idk what the fuck is wrong with me but i want to just go and jump off a bridge. there's regret thinking this (Friends, especially ex who says she would kill herself out of thinking it was her fault that i did, Family, possibility of hell etc.)
But my Mind nulls them with the reasoning of 1. they wouldn't really miss me and they'd forget about me eventually, and i deserve hell anyway. the only people who'd regret are my ex, parents, and the band.

I'm sorry if i wasted your time with this and all of the typos and errors. and if you feel answering in a way of support or against, tell me how to kill myself or anything. its totally fine. answer away. But I feel this dark place im in is unbearable yet numbing to the point to were i have no alternative in my mind but escape through death.

I'm sorry again for anything, i have a fear of making people angry or creeped at me.
Thank you up Front and Immerse Your Soul in Love for those who have happiness in themselves.

A. i'll sound like a dead dramatic person now cause i don't usually like sharing my story in reality but i lost my boyfriend of three years due to depression from having a miscarriage and have now from not seeking help developed a mental illness and can't even leave the house and to look at me i look like the most normal person, i'm the person people look at think that i'm a * bit ch i'm not going to lie and i'm not even in the slightest so i can sort of relate to people thinking you're creepy etc and people judging you which i really don't think you are and think you're being really hard on yourself you seem like a really nice person.. have you reached out and asked for help because i've realised this is the first step to getting better.. i feel like taking my life everyday but i feel like it's a really selfish thing to think and what a waste of a life it is.. i have ambitions i know i can't make true right now but they get me through the day.. what ambitions do you have? i've recently started learning to play the bass guitar myself and music has been a big help in this for me.. can you use music to help you? please don't attempt to kill yourself you seem better than that and this might be the shi ttest advice in the world but when i feel like that i hurt myself and i feel better.. i bet you can achieve so much in the future think about that and how good that feeling will be if you want that success so much and achieve it.. ha i'm rambling on but you get my point don't let anything defeat you, make what you are going through make you a stronger person in the end

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