Has anyone who has suffered from anorexia developed a binge eating disorder years after recovery?

Q. I developed anorexia my freshman year in college and went to recovery later that year. It has been to years but this past month I have begun to binge eat. I am angry and frustrated. I cannot seem to establish a healthy relationship with food. Has anyone had any similar experiences? I am in need of advice.

A. Yes..It started for me 2 months after recovery- currently still struggling but it's gotten much better, I know it's frustrating but it eases the frustration knowing that given the knowledge you gained during recovery won't allow you to relapse back into Anorexia. It's not uncommon after recovery i've found. It also has a lot to do with stress, understandable being in college. So far i've found getting over the binge eating is so much easier than anorexia. It too shall pass, trust me.

Best of luck! xx

Do I Have a Problem or Can it Lead to One?
Q. I really want to lose 10 or 20 pounds but its so hard. I am 5ft 5 and weigh about 135. I want to be skinny when I start my freshman yr is college. I will either eat nothing or when I do eat something it turns into a binge and I will eat so many sweets. The longest I went without eating is a little over 24 hrs which is not bad at all. I excercise a healthy amount too.

A. If you want to lose some weight, not eating is the worst way to do it. That slows your metabolism and will actually cause you to gain more weight when you eat. Instead of eating as little as possible, eat frequent small, healthy meals. There are all sorts of sites that will set you up with meal plans and such. Eat small meals and healthy snacks every few hours, drink lots of fluids, avoid carbs and processed sugars and don't eat late at night.
Doing this instead of not eating or binging will not only help you lose weight now, but keep you healthier for life. Fruits and vegetables, along with vitamin supplements are always good.

Good luck!

Edit: By the way, 135 is not overweight for 5' 5". Depending on your frame, you shouldn't try to lose more than probably 10 or 15 pounds at the most. If you're very uncomfortable with your body, you may want to speak with a counselor as you might be developing body image issues.

How can i diet effectively in College?
Q. I am a junior in College right now, my freshman year i packed on some pounds, but my sophomore year I ran like hell and ate only salads and now i am about where i was when i started. I find myself slipping back into a hole again though. The food here is not the best health-wise, but if i just eat salads, i tend to binge when i get hungry later. Also, i have been swimming for about a week, 30 min a day. However, i have become discouraged to hear that it does not compare to jogging for 30 min. Should i go back to jogging? I wiegh about 220, and i am 6'2", i am trying to trim about 20 pounds.

A. Swinning is one of the best excersises you can do. Mix it up with some jogging and weights a few times a week. If you don't like lifting weights then add in some isometric workouts (push-ups and sit-ups, ect...). Just eating salad is bad idea because your body needs other nutrients that salads dont provide that's why binge when you eat other stuff. Eat salad but also eat lean meats like: Fish, turkey, chicken, and lean beef. Most importantly substitute sweets and sugars with fresh fruit, avoid soda and hyfructos corn syrup. drink plenty of water and juice and don't eat fast food.

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