Are Binge eating and Obesity the Same Thing?

Q. I got a health project and no one online has an answer
1. What is the history of Binge Eating Disorder
2. Is Binge Eating Disorder and Obesity the same thing?

A. Binge-eating disorder and obesity are NOT the same thing. A person can be a binge-eater and not be overweight/obese.

how long will it take to recover from 3 non stop binge eating?
Q. within the last 5 months i have lost 17 kilograms through diet and excercise. i do have a history in binge eating but throughout my diet i would binge for a day and the next morning go straight to the gym to burn it off which never resulted to weight gain. this time i bingd non stop on junk food for 3 whole days and im beginning to notice my body plump up. is it water retention and will i be able to burn it off within the next couple of days? help

A. Please get some help for your eating disorder before you permanently ruin your health.

I used to suffer with mental health and I am afraid I won't be able to lead a happy life?
Q. Hello. I am 16 and I used to suffer with depression and agoraphobia from 14. I used to self harm on my skin and shave my hair. I was admitted to an adolescent phyciatric unit last year in march. I was there for 8 months. I managed to get myself better, however, I fear that I am failing. Soon I should be attending a college and the fear of being amongst large surroundings scares me. I used to binge eat and I have made the decision to stop, but, I now feel really guilty after eating and I now choose to exercise a lot after wards. I have big desires to study history and be more happy but I think I have left things too late to begin college in september this year. I cannot go out before dark nor be around others. I don't want to go back to the adolescent unit but I really don't want to be thrown in at the deep end. Soon I will take my GCSE's, at the moment I have a maths and english tutor tutoring me at home. I need to take the exams, and I wish to take more than the two. I know that I will have to attend the tuition center but I think that I'm slipping and failing to cope with what I have done to myself. I'm in contact with a therapist, we meet once every two months, not for therapy, he will see me and ask if I am well and healthy, I am fed up with lying but what if he admits me back? I wish for so much, but, currently I can only manage so little. How should I go about my education?

A. Please don't jump into any hasty or wrong conclusions. Haste makes waste. Don't take a negative stand. You should have some highest moral foundations. Consider everything coolly and calmly from universal stand-point with a positive approach and noble vision.

We humans have our own weaknesses, shortcomings, deficiencies, drawbacks, defects or flaws. Our mind is not only a divine workshop, it also sometime works like a devil's workshop. Never keep the mind idle. It all depends on the way we like to handle or deal with our mind. We are generally susceptible to negative influences than positive influences.

If you genuinely want wonders or miracles to happen in life, please select a highly reliable, trustworthy and wise mentor of your own choice and strictly listen to his good words of advice meticulously in future.

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