encouraging advise on how to now binge eating on the weekends?

Q. i love taking care of my health! i am always eating healthy and watching wat i eat hoping to drop some pounds but i cant help but get trapped in binge eating on the weekends. healhty foods really satisfy me but for some reason not on the weekends. i've tryed to stop binge eating by writing everything that i eat down everyday but when it comes to weekends if i get trapped in the binge i tend to not write in my journal! i tryed eating one small snack once a week but that just influences more unhealthy choices and binge eating. I also have an eliptical and i try to use that when i binge eat feel temptped to binge but usually when i binge eat i am very tired and i dont feel good to exercise. does anyone know of anything i can do to fix this problem on the weekends because my weekday eating is PERFECT and i actually feel like i can live without unhealthy food but the weekends always ruin my life! please send some tips, advise or encouragement it will be really appreciated. <3 thank youu

A. This used to be my problem every night. I would go through the whole day fine and then at night it would be a disaster. And I tried to distract myself but then I wouldnt be able to fall asleep so i would give in. This ended when I became a vegan and turned to whole grains, veggies and fruit. My diet is actually 99% identical to a macrobiotic lifestlyle.

But hmm. Maybe fill up more in the day on your healthy stuff and then you wont be in the mood to eat later on. Or maybe just have one night on the weekend to let yourself loose. Remember you are eating healthy 5 days a week. Splurging one night a week wont kill ya. Or maybe when you feel like binging fill up on veggies first then add some junk, so you'll be more full on the healthy stuff. I hope I helped..good luck!

How can I stop myself from binge eating?
Q. For like the last four or five months my eating habits have been all over the place. I go through periods of time where I will restrict my calories and other times when I just can't stop eating. I know that part (or all) of the reason I binge eat is because of stress, boredom, or because I have been restricting my food to the point where I am so hungry I start eating uncontrollably. The problem is I can't seem to help myself and don't know how to stop binge eating. What can I do?

A. First of all, don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone has a binge every once in a while, but you can do a lot to prevent it.

I'd suggest eating 5 or 6 small meals a day (about 300 calories each). This is eating every few hours so you know you never have to wait long for your next meal. Make them healthy and filling. There's many resources online and in cookbooks for making tasty small meals. Drink water + tea or coffee the majority of the time, not pop or milk. This may feel weird for the first few days, but after a while your stomach will understand and as long as you plan ahead, it is a great diet to maintain. It's how I lost 10 lbs the healthy way.

Also, write down everything you eat (everything!). When you feel like snacking/binging, look at your food journal and think - should I eat anything more right now?

At night time, brush your teeth not long after your last meal (or cup of tea). When your teeth are clean and fresh you won't want to eat. I find this helpful because when I snack badly it tends to be at night. I also try to remember how I will feel the next morning when I step on the scale and think "wow, I wasn't even hungry and now I have to work that much harder to get rid of my boredom eating".

Good luck!

How do you recover when no one knows you have a problem?
Q. I am convinced that I having binge eating disorder. Last year I went to guidance and she called my mom. When I got home my mom told me that I looked fine and that I don't have an eating disorder. She sometimes says that I eat too much though. I'm tired of living my life knowing that I depend on food to deal with my depression and stress.

I bought a book called Lighten Up at my school book fair and so far I'm eating about 1,500 - 3,000 calories a day. I exercise for about 90 minutes to rid of the weight I don't want to gain. My legs are sore and they are very toned.

Please give me advice on how to recover without professional help since no one seems to know I have an eating problem since I'm average weight for my height.

A. Many people deal with stress in different ways. Some people deal with it by drinking too much, some deal with it by using drugs, and some people find comfort in eating large quantities of food, just for the lovely taste of it. It IS comforting. But dangerous. You alone know you have a binge eating disorder or not. Try doing what I do. I totally stopped drinking soda. I only drink coffee, fruit juice, and water. But I eat things like turkey, chicken (not fried) fish. If I HAVE to have some chocolate, instead of buying a pint of Haagen Dazs, which is my favorite, I buy a large dark chocolate bar instead (love dark chocolate). I permit myself one little square or two a day. And if I eat more, I don't beat myself up over it because it will just make the program I've set for myself worthless. Be kind to yourself. You should be eating around 1,500 calories a day, 3,000 calories is a LOT. That's excellent that you are exercising for over 90 minutes daily and you know it's working because you can FEEL it! Good job. This sounds cheesy but I would get a simple notebook, and whenever you feel the urge to eat too much try writing about your true underlying feelings - ask yourself why you're doing this to yourself? Be kind to yourself, don't beat yourself up over this. Many many girls and women have this compulsion to binge eat and you CAN beat it without professional help. The most important thing to remember is to be completely truthful to yourself, in your journal. Find out what is causing you to turn to food when you're dealing with depression and stress. Also, there is a good anti depressant out there called Prozac- one of the first SSRI'S- and it totally cuts your appetite. I felt happier, and lost weight at the same time. You'd need to see a physician to get a script for it though. Maybe even seeing a simple therapist who deals with binge eating could help? Good luck to you. And writing about this really will help you. I've done it!

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