What is the diffrence between bulimia and binge and purge anorexia?

Q. Hi,

I am doing a research paper on eating disorders, and in my research, I have found that there are two sub types of anorexia- restricting and the binging and purging type. To me, the binging purging anorexia sounds very much like bulimia. If you could tell me the distinguishing characteristics between the binging purging type of anorexia and bulimia, that would really help with the report. THANKS!!!!

A. the only difference seems to be the 'uncontrollable urge' to binge associated with bulimia and the severe restriction of food in anorexia
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent binge eating, followed by compensatory behaviors. The most common formâpracticed by more than 75% of people with bulimia nervosaâis self-induced vomiting, sometimes called purging; fasting, the use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics, and over exercising are also common.
Anorexia nervosa
Body weight is maintained at least 15 per cent below that expected for a person's height.
It is self-induced weight loss caused by avoiding fattening foods and may involve taking excessive exercise, using laxatives or diuretics or self-induced vomiting.
There is a strong, almost overwhelming fear of putting on weight, with sufferers preoccupied with the shape or size of their bodies.
Rules are invented regarding how much food is allowed and how much exercise is needed after eating certain amounts of food.

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Is there anywhere online that I can read novels about eating disorders?
Q. Is there anywhere that I can read stories about eating disorders. Maybe some long ones. I don't want like informational, medical book stories. I want like something I can get into, that has a plot and what not.
Or maybe a place that I can read new novels online for free.

Anything like that would be swell thanks

A. here are some online sources for ebooks:
Project Gutenberg:
there is also Bibliomania:
and The Online Books Page:
http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/ (this gives you a list of sites where the title you want is available)
These sources mostly contain classic works which are out of their copyright phase or ones whose authors have agreed to put them online.
There is also New Free Books which contains the full text of many new and popular books that the authors have posted online:
If you are looking for bestsellers or more titles (as well as ones you can put on your ipod) the best thing to do would be to ask at your local library because many of them are now offering these titles for free with their library services. If yours currently doesn't, suggest that they do (more and more of them are doing this.)

and here are a few titles you might be interested in:

Mercy, unbound by Kim Antieau
Believing she has wings and is an angel on earth, Mercy decides to stop eating due to her adamant view that angels don't need food, but when she is forced to go to an eating disorder clinic, Mercy begins to see things in a new light.

What happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci
Sixteen-year-old Claire is unable to face her fears about a recurrence of her leukemia, her eating disorder, her need to fit in with the popular crowd on Hackett Island, and her mother's alcoholism until the enigmatic Lani Garver helps her get control of her life at the risk of his own.

Skin by Adrienne Maria Vrettos
When his parents decide to separate, eighth-grader Donnie watches with horror as the physical condition of his sixteen-year old sister, Karen, deteriorates due to an eating disorder.

More than you can chew by Marnelle Tokio
Marty Black, a high school senior, finds herself in a psychiatric institution where she is being treated for her eating disorder, and soon recognizes that her need for help is only the first tenuous step on a long road to recovery.

Kim: empty inside by Beatrice Sparks
Seventeen-year-old Kim, feeling the pressure of maintaining an A average to stay on her college gymnastics team, becomes obsessive about her weight and develops anorexia.

Skinny by Ibi Kaslik
After the death of their father, two sisters struggle with various issues, including their family history, personal relationships, and an extreme eating disorder.

Twins by Marcy Dermansky
A tale told from the alternating viewpoints of identical teenage twin sisters finds their bond threatened by a new friend, parental neglect, unsuccessful vacations, eating disorders, and their first explorations of love and sex.

LoveSick by Jake Coburn
After an accident seems to end his college and athletic dreams, Ted is offered a second chance at school if he agrees to spy on a classmate and help her father monitor her bulimia.

Hunger point by Jillian Medoff
When her younger sister is hospitalized for anorexia, twenty-six-year-old Frannie finds herself cut adrift, unable to hold a job or relate to her parents, until her sister's shocking suicide jolts her into action.

Perfect by Natasha Friend
Following the death of her father, a thirteen-year-old uses bulimia as a way to avoid her mother's and ten-year-old sister's grief, as well as her own.

Insatiable by Eve Eliot
A novel written in episodic format follows four teenage girls whose shame, fear, and confusion compel them to binge, purge, and refuse to eat in misguided attempts to feel safe and in control of their lives.

Pretty little liars by Sara Shepard
When one of their tightly-knit group mysteriously disappears, four high school girls find their friendship difficult to maintain when they begin receiving taunting messages from someone who seems to know everything about their past and present secrets.

How do I control my eating on my period?
Q. This morning I ate oatmeal with 14 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber and it went NO WHERE. I am so hungry 2 hours after that I'm popping me a small bag of popcorn. How can I control my insatiable hunger? (Plus, I work at Burger King today!)

A. Check guides...


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