Will antidepressants help with my terrible over eating habits when stressed/sad and help me lose weight?

Q. Has anyone experienced being depressed and binge eating then fixing the depression and losing weight? I have been eating so much lately because I am depressed from being out of work. I gained 15 lbs. If my doctor gives me antidepressants, will this help with my over eating? I want to stop this terrible habit of stress/anxiety/depressed eating. Please tell me your experiences and what works and what doesn't work.

A. Anti-depressants are serious drugs, not to be messed around with. Try proper dieting, exercise and self control. You don't understand the horrible side effects and withdrawal effects from anti-depressants.

how do i talk to my mom about unhealthy eating habits?
Q. Lately I have been in a really bad cycle of binge eating and then trying to keep my calorie intake very low to make up for it. It's basically like I'll eat 3000 calories one day, then 200 the next day. I need help, I feel so out of control with food. How on earth do I bring it up to my mom?
I am 13 by the way.

A. You could print out a copy of this question and give it to her. Honestly, it depends on your mom's temperament as to the best approach. For me it works best if one of my girls says, "Mom, I want to talk to you about something, but I don't know how you are going to react."

What kind of response do you want? Do you just need a hug and some reassurance? Do you need an appointment with your pediatrician or a therapist? Do you want her to help fix the problem or listen to you talk about why you are doing this? Sometimes as parents, we don't know how to respond so we do whatever we think of first. Telling your mom what you need could help give her an idea of how to respond.

Just a suggestion, try eating 1600-1800 calories on your non-binge days so you are not so ravenous. And, if you can, find some ways to feel comforted that don't include food.

Why is it OK for people who get weight loss surgery to eat very little, but regular people shouldnt?
Q. Why is it OK for very heavy people to eat like 400-1000 calories a day after gastric bypass surgery, but its not OK for people who want to lose weight but dont get surgery? I know about how your metabolism slows if you restrict calories, but thats only a problem if you give in and binge eat. If you stick with it and eat very few calories, your body has no choice but to lose weight.

A. Who says it's ok, the surgeons that are making money off unnecessary surgeries??

Gastric bypass forces people to become bulimic, screws up their metabolism & causes them to become malnourished. If they don't fix their eating habits (which should be done instead of surgery) they usually regain the weight in 6 years & their health is damaged further.

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