I can't help but binge at night!?

Q. First off, I'm a 17 year old girl, 5'9 tall, and 195 pounds. I am vegan and have recently lost about 25 pounds over a six month time period basically from just going vegan. Anyway, I first got down to about 186 pounds and now I've put on 10 more! :( My problem? I eat super super healthy all day, then at night I get SO hungry.

I usually get off work around 8pm, then I go to the gym until about 9 or 9:30, come home and have a healthy snack like a piece of fruit or veggies/hummus...wait about 30 min...and by 10pm/11pm I start getting major hunger pangs and get awful cravings for sweets and sugar. I will even spend an hour baking something vegan (which is usually a pain as it is!) just to have it.

For example, today I had OatFit Oatmeal (100 calories) with some strawberries for breakfast. Then at 3pm, which is my lunch break for work, I had a little couscous, about 5 pita chips, hummus, and carrots....then at 8pm, I had an orange...BY 11pm, I had made 4 pieces of vegan french toast with maple syrup, PLUS a big bowl of sugary cereal, a banana with peanut butter, AND some spanish rice. It's awful. Tonight was worse than most, but I usually always stay under 500 calories during the day, then at night I put on 600 or more.

How can I prevent this binge eating? Why am I SO freaking hungry this late? Is it because I get back from the gym and am exhausted? Am I eating too late? I usually don't have breakfast until 10am, then lunch around 3pm...I just don't know. UGH! Any tips would be great! I'm trying to lose 30 more pounds!

A. your only eating 500cals throughout the ENTIRE day...well hello, that's why ur binging! Ur practically starving urself each day, u need to eat atleast 1200cals..
I use to binge like u but realized i was only eating 800 calories then burning off 500-600 through exercise so I would binge and gain weight fast..Now that im eating way more 1600 cals, my metabolism is alot faster and im not binge eating at night anymore..Eat something every 3 hrs!

Recovering anorexic and bulimic 19yr old female. How do i resist purging?
Q. After eating even the smallest healthiest meal, my stomach gets upset and sore. I can't even tell Whether I get hungrier or im too full. I would normally just purge when this happens. I never got into binge eating just when i needed to eat stick to low calorie very healthy meals. I never went over or anywhere near 1000calories a day. But i had to start eating again because i wound up in hospital with some deficiencies. But even the doctors didn't realise i hadn't been eating so please don't say go to rehab or something because no one knows and i'd like to keep it that way. I hide things well.
I need some tips on how to resist purging. Also with christmas coming up my family has a very big christmas with lots of meals. Im not sure if i will be able to eat it. It will be basically be forced into me due to that side of my family being half spanish and if you don't eat much they take it as disrespectful and that you don't like there food. I must eat but I feel like i will have no choice but to purge after.
Also I know when you start eating again you put on allot of weight quickly so im trying to go slow and exercise allot. I don't want to go back over 58kg

A. Hi there,

I am also 19, and currently in recovery from anorexia, so I know how difficult it can be. I know you said you want to keep your eating disorder a "secret", but to be honest, I think the best thing for you to do would be to tell somebody. If you try to hide it, you won't receive the support that you need in order to recover, and it is so incredibly difficult to recover on your own.

There is no easy way to tell your family other than to just do it. Sit them down when they are not distracted and tell them that you need to talk about something really important. They might be a little angry/upset at first, or try to blame themselves, but that is a normal reaction. I think this is the best move you could make, because that way, your family will be able to be there for you to support you. They won't be able to help you if they don't know that there is a problem. If you don't feel comfortable telling your family quite yet, you could go to see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. SInce you are 19, they wouldn't have to tell your family anything, but your therapist could help you talk to your family once you feel ready.

I think that in order for you to resist purging, you should eat smaller meals every 2 or 3 hours. That way you won't feel too uncomfortably full. Try to have a balanced diet with whole grains, lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies, lowfat dairy and healthy fats. As far as the holidays go, don't feel pressure to eat a lot. Take a plate of what you are comfortable with, eat slowly, and stop when you feel satisfied. Holidays are extremely rough for people with eating disorders, but just try to remember what the holidays are really about: enjoying time with your family and friends.

As hard as this is, throw away your scale (or at least put it away for now). Yes, once you start eating again you will gain weight quickly, but much of that weight will be water weight, since you are so dehydrated and malnurished right now. Trust me when I say this, your metabolism WILL sort itself out, just continue to eat healthily and consistently.

I know it seems hard right now, but there is hope. I never believed that I would get better. I thoght I would always be a prisoner to my eating disorder, but now I see that there IS hope, and I have many hopes and dreams for the future that don't include my eating disorder. Just keep your head up and remember that there is a better life waiting there for you, you just have to keep fighting.

Best wishes

Question to bulimics?
Q. im 17 yrz old..Ok i binge and purge a lot i have done it on and off since i was 10.. i purge pizza easily, sandwiches like ham and cheese, chicken sandwiches, subs, ice cream, bananas, but i cant purge pastas, rice, i also can not sometimes purge bread if eaten alone..today i ate a Spanish version of lasagna which is instead of pasta, plantains are used, it was soooo easy to purge, unlike regular lasagna..i made today for my family and though i only ate like a cup of it, i purged..and that is all i ate today..and a spoon of low fat peanut butter..i hate bananas and im craving peanut butter so im thinking of making peanut butter and banana sandwiches for myself to then later purge..i'll probably eat like 1 or 2 because i fill up fast..i wanted to know if the peanut butter and banana sandwiches would be easy or hard to purge...also what is easy to purge to you?

A. drink a lot of water, it loosens up the food and anything is easy to puke up.
You have to drink water a lot- during or after the food, and jump up and down, juggle your tummy so it mixes the food up.

BUT- I am never ever going to say this is a good idea.
I was throwing up for 16 years- almost half my life.

Your teeth erode- and can fall out- the enamel washes off them from the stomach acid.
Your stomach becomes very weaked walled- and starts eroding- it end up with huge sores inside- because the acid burns through the stomach lining- and you vomit blood.
IT is easy to die this way- blood leaking into your intestine, also choking on blood AND blood loss.
You may think it is nice to be all weak and have people look after you, but when you throw up blood, 3 pints of it, in the middle of a vomit session and you've thrown up vomit, 3 pints blood and are still half full of pizza, it is the most terryfying thing- nobody is home ( its not a social disease is it?) and you can easily bleed to death in this situation.

You can choke on vomit and die easily- this is quite common actually.

You can tear and bruise the top of your larynx- when your fingers poke down there, its easy to scratch the top cartilgae, and this is SO painful while healing- I've dont this many times.

You can inhale vomit very easy. I inhaled vomit a lot.
I had vomit come out so badly it came out through my eyeball socket, and nose.
When you vomit a lot, the blood is frightening, and there is NOTHING they can do- it is the worst pain I have ever experienced, they say i'ts like a heart attack, when it's healing- the tears in your oesophagus.
This happens when you vomit a lot.

I vomited up to 50 times a day, every day in the week. By the end I vomited 3 pints one time- of bloood. I was terrified.
I was alone, the bathroom was disgusting, full of vomit on the floor, the walls, the toilet, bathtub, in my hair, my eyes, skin, on my clothes.
ANd I thought I would bleed to death. ANd still, all I could think was how to get rid of the sausages inside me, even with 3 pints of blood in the toilet pan, and a huge hole in the lining of my stomach.

SO, you have to stop this.

You are going to stop it one day anyway, so stop it now.
Because it will never get better, or easier to stop. It is the most addictive thing ever. It is the worst monster in the world, It will never be easy to stop. SO you HAVE to quit, its hard but it WILL GET WORSE.

There is no halfway with this disease. None, it WILL get worse.
You WILL throw up blood, you WILL end up in a hospital being embarrassed by the wiff of puke on your skin.

It will never come to you unless you come to it. Stop now, go through withdrawal, and get massive help TODAY, NOW. There will not be a day when you just think "oh, I'm done, I'll do something else", it will nly get harder.

I ONLY stopped because after puking 3 pints of rich, thick bubbling blood for the fourth time and being so sick of being sic every day= I was too scared to ever puke again in case that was the time I died.
THAT is the only way I could stop- nt because I wanted to, Of course I wanted to. You want to, and even if you dont, byt the time you do it'll be too late.


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