Why is bing eating more dangerous than anorexia or bulimia?

Q. I heard on a tv show a few weeks ago that binge eating was more dangerous than anorexia or bulimia but i can't really seem to find any info...help!

A. binge eating is connected to bulimia as many bulimics binge and purge.. but eating irregularly is bad for your body because your body won't know what to do with the sudden increase in food and will most likely convert more of it to fat or make your digestive system over work and the food will putrify in your gut.

Do i have to tell my parent/doctor about my binge eating disorder?
Q. I'm pretty sure that I have binge eating disorder (I asked a previous question u can go check it out) and I was wondering if I have to tell someone. This leads me to my second question, Can I fight this disorder on my own and how. Thank you. And the second question is more important. And I already know I have this disease.

A. Okay, for a start, you donât already know anything. The only people who are properly qualified to diagnose any of these incredibly complex disorders have spent many years at university, and in some cases they still find it difficult to make an exact diagnosis. Even the fact that you think you know indicates how little you REALLY know.

Secondly, no you donât have to tell anyone anything â feel free to suffer in silence (of course choosing to do so could potentially lead to permanent infertility, organ failure, death, and a generally un-pleasant and stressful life).

Thirdly, you would be absolutely foolish not to seek professional help. Anyone on this sight who tries to offer you advice on this website is obviously not a professional, and is as dangerous to you as you are to yourself â do not consider them helpful, because in the long run, I promise you they are not.

I hope you donât consider this reply rude. I have absolute sympathy for your situation and any suffering that you might be going through, but you NEED to start making the right decisions (and stop trying to find alternatives, or looking for reasons why you donât need to make the right decisions).

i have a binge eating disorder and cant get professional help because my parents want me to get fatter?
Q. im at a healthy weight, but i cant stop binge eating, i can binge eat up to an excess pound a day. i don't wanna get fatter anymore and i hate myself and my body now. its like im a genderless blob. i cant even go get professional help because if i told my parents they would just be glad that i am and don't want me to stop. how can i stop?

A. Hun, you have a whole life to live. For the short hall, controlling every calorie the way you are may seem to make sense to you. But it won't work for any length of time. You could end up losing your teeth or worse, much worse. And then at the end of all that you are still in the same boat as when you started. Yes, I believe you should get counseling, but not for your parents, for you. When you go to counseling what is said there is kept between the counselor and yourself. And you can remind your parents about that as well.

I hope you make peace with yourself and with your body. I understand that you don't want to gain weight and yet you don't know how to stop yourself from overeating. I used to be bulimic myself. But instead of these dangerous shortcuts you, like everyone else, will have to learn to eat in a healthy way. You need to stop hating yourself and begin to accept yourself the way you are (even as you work at becoming who you want to be). Good luck!

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