what eating disorder do you think i have?

Q. i dont eat very often. maybe once every three days, and when i do eat, i "purge" or basically throw it up. i dont think im bulimic because i dont binge eat. i dont just eat to eat. i literally dont like food very much and whe i do eat it i feel EXTREMELY sick. im not sure what you would call this. oh, and im not super skinny. im average weight for my height. sooooooo help?

A. This is anorexia but since ur not underweight yet it would b ednos. in order to fit the criteria for anorexia u need to b underweight anyways,diagnosis means nothing! Ur sick and u need professional help. Please don't wait too much longer.

Do you think its wrong to want to be underweight?
Q. I want to be 15% underweight
I'm 5'3 102 pounds
I want to weigh 97 pounds
When I reach that goal I will consider losing more weight!
I have a long way to go because I binge eat when I'm depressed
I have tried purging, but I don't want my hair to fall out
I am trying to eat healthier and exercise more.
Do you think it's wrong to want to be underweight?
Does anyone want to be underweight also?

A. being underweight can cause many problems, lower energy levels and hurt your immune system. i strongly recommend you stay at the healthy weight you're at now.

Whats the difference between these eating disorders?
Q. Im doing a project on teen eating disorders. I need to know what is the difference between the two. Bing-Eating/ Compulsive eating, and being Anorexic. I need to know websites to find different types of treatment for the two. Also any information about eating disorders that anybody knows. Thanks.

A. Binge eating/ Compulsive eating: The person affected will eat multiple amounts of food at a time mostly to cover up powerful emotions such as sadness, depression, anger, even happiness. If the person purgers (whether it's through vomiting, diuretics, enemas, or exercise) they are classified as bulimic. Bingers normally have a normal or higher bmi than an average person.

Anorexia: The person will prevent themselves from eating or eat very little to maintain a low body weight in hopes of being "beautiful". They will restrict certain foods, pick up certain habits such as chewing then spitting or drinking tons of water before each meal. Anorexics are normally very underweight with a BMI below 18.5.

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