How do I break this bad cycle?

Q. Ok I binge eat for a few days. Then I start feeling bad about myself so I starve myself eating 500 calories for a few days. I then I feel worthless and empty and I start binge eating again.

A. Look up counseling services in your area and find someone to talk to. It is totally worth it. Anything else I could say is all "easier said than done", really, because I'm sure you've heard before that your worth isn't tied to your weight, but I know how hard it is to actually believe it. You should deal with the underlying problem, though, being your low self-esteem, and counseling will help with that. Think of it as just having someone to talk to who won't judge you... and try making a list of the things you're good at and the things you like about yourself, and keeping it somewhere so you can read it when you feel bad.

How often should i eat junk food?
Q. I'm a 13 year-old girl, and i want to be healthy. But how often should i eat junk foods? You know like candy bars, tasty cakes, donuts etc. Someone plz tell me!
(I'm a healthy weight, and hope to stay that way if you don't mind.)

A. Junk food.........ah, such an addiction, yet, so good.

Well, let's break it down:

Junk food (i.e. fast food) - you should never eat this crap. It's bad for your heart, adds lots of empty calories and totally not good for you in any way, nutrition-wise.

Candy bars, donuts, etc.......also of no nutritional value, but hey, you are a girl.... and monthly PMS will MAKE YOU CRAVE CHOCOLATE and sweets.

While donuts and cakes should be avoided, you can have your chocolate and eat it, too. Particularly DARK CHOCOLATE....... (which has more antioxidants to prevent cancer, has magnesium and all kinds of health benefits)

So eat your chocolate! :) Here's proof:

Like anything, eat it moderation.

Do get your exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. Don't totally deprive yourself of treats every now and then (because if you do this, you'll only consume something else in its place and that starts the whole binge/purge cycle which is unhealthy).

How many consecutive days does one with anorexia go without eating?
Q. Just curious, how long does a person with anorexia start out with no food?
Do they completely quit eating and then after a few weeks of not eating do they break down and eat a vegetable?

What happens?

A. It's different for everybody that has that illness. It probably starts by skipping a few meals, then days completely. After a few weeks, even days, they break down and binge and the cycle starts all over again. It's so sad. I can't imagine not eating I love food too much.

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