which is more efective cure for binge eating disorder?

Q. which is more effective?5htp or st.john worts?i tried a bottle of st.john worts ,i dont get sad that much anymore but it didnt give me motivation to excercise,diet,take a bath,brush my teeth.do u think 5htp can help me with depression,binge eating disorder,social anxiety and chronic laziness?

A. I'd say professional therapy...

How can I overcome binge eating/ complusive overeating?
Q. I cant seem to stop eating... I feel horrible about myself. This compulsive eating started right before December, and its only gotten worse til now. I have ended up gaining around 10 pounds. I give in to every moment I get to eat food. Ive never been overweight, and still not.. But I feel really out of control. How can I overcome this binge eating??

A. Try to manage your anxiety before it causes some severe health problems.
Try to solve your problems one at a time, sometimes we eat just because we are too happy, too nervous or just because there´s nothing else to do.
Eat only when its time to eat, if you need snacks, try with salads.

What kind of effects does lapictal have on depression?
Q. Hi. I have major depression, generalized anxiety disorder and a problem with binge eating. Currently I'm taking 80mg of fluoxetine (prozac), 30mg of phentermine, and 3mg of alprazolam (xanax) every day. My psychiatrist has decided to add lamictal as a mood stabilizer. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this constellation of symptoms and/or medications.

A. I have MDD too and a nonspecific anxiety disorder. I am currently on 200mg of Lamictal and it does help a lot; it is a really good mood stabilizer, and it helps with my anxiety too. I have not experienced any side effects, and you dont really need to worry about the rash, it is very rare. My friend actually got it and nothing bad really happened, she just told her doctor right away and stopped taking it, and had no lasting effects. I would really recommend it!

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