Do some teen boys restrict what they eat to stay skinny these days? I am a 20 year old male who has been eatin?

Q. g less these days compared to how I have been eating when I was younger. I somehow have fear of gaining weight. Am I insane or abnormal? Do teen boys watch their weight and have some fear of gaining weight?

A. Yes, there are teenage boys who restrict what they eat to stay thin. Am I one of them? No. I do try to eat as healthily as possible, but I don't restrict what I eat - I simply balance my exercise and food intake to lose as much weight as possible. Some teenage males do watch their weight, but there is a difference between watching your weight to stay healthy, and neurotically ensuring that you don't gain weight. I don't have enough information to know if you're insane or in danger, but it's not unusual for teenage males to watch what they eat, no.

Some adolescent males, like adolescent females, go overboard with this want to remain thin, and develop unhealthy eating habits. Having a fear of gaining weight isn't the best fear to have. It's good to want to stay thin and healthy, but having a fear of gaining weight can lead to anorexia - for the record, "manorexia" is not a real thing; anorexia is the term for men and women - and bulimia, two extremely unhealthy eating habits. However, for me to say you are in danger or "abnormal" is unfair, as 1) I do not know what kind of "fear" this is, and whether it's a minor or major fear, and 2) I don't know your eating habits. Instead, I will give you some symptoms or signs that you might have anorexia, just to ensure that you stay safe if you are afraid that you'll develop a disorder:


â¢Refusing to maintain a normal and healthy body weight.
â¢Extreme fear of becoming fat or gaining weight.
â¢Continuous dieting.
â¢Excessive and compulsive exercising.
â¢Being obsessed with diets, calories, nutritional information, fat grams, etc.
â¢Being very restrictive of what he or she will eat (no carbohydrates, no fat, etc.)
â¢Avoiding food and eating or denying hunger.
â¢Developing rituals regarding food (eating food in a certain order, excessive chewing, etc.
â¢Amenorrhea. The anorexic never gets her first period or her periods stop or become less frequent
â¢Muscle weakness and loss of muscle
â¢Bones that become brittle and osteoporosis develops
â¢Skin that becomes dry and hair can fall out
â¢A fine layer of hair grows over the body
â¢Weakness and tiredness
â¢Irritability, depression, withdrawal from friends and family
â¢Low blood pressure or low pulse


â¢Extreme preoccupation about being overweight.
â¢Strict dieting followed by high-calorie eating binges.
â¢Overeating when distressed.
â¢Feeling out of control.
â¢Disappearing after a meal.
â¢Depressive moods.
â¢Alcohol or drug abuse.
â¢Frequent use of laxatives or diuretics.
â¢Excessive exercising.
â¢Irregular menstrual cycles (for women)

Is there a scientific name for someone who cannot control their emotions and puts them to action?
Q. Like, the name of a disorder.
They are sensitive and unlike most people, they will respond innappropriately to whatever happens to them.
For example, if someone angers them just slightly, they will instinctively attack them.

Maybe this is obvious...? I can't think of the name!

A. Sort of sounds like Borderline Personality Disorder. Usually happens in women. BAD problem if it happens in a man. Brain doesn't wire correctly in the emotion control area. they understand social norms to situations but cant control themselves from acting how they WISH they could act. Like my dad... if someone pisses him off, he may shove their head in a car window and roll it up on them without mercy... (happened when he was younger, but it mellows out in their 30's and 40;s and they cant control it. actually accounts for a lot of arrests). here's the symptoms. see if its similar to what youre describing....

â¢instable moods or sudden, severe mood swings
â¢"splitting," during which the sufferer suddenly changes opinions about another person (i.e. they will go from great love and adoration for a person to extreme hatred for that person)
â¢extreme behaviors, including binge eating, excessive spending, or risky sexual relations
â¢frequent changes in employment, sexual orientation, or life goals
â¢self destructive behavior designed to elicit attention
â¢may be manipulative and untrusting
â¢abnormal or inappropriate behavior in public
â¢extreme fear of abandonment or being left alone
â¢appears to get "lost" in moods( i.e. can't remember what it's like to feel happy when they are feeling sad)
extreme outbursts of mood that are inappropriate to the situation. IE they are unable to control their moods and feelings and will often appear to act on them without thinking.
emotions seem too strong or exaggerated for the situation. they appear to be overly angry and will often later feel guilt then that guilt quickly subsides into another outburst.

look up BPD on google for more information. the site I got these from didnt do the best job describing it.

What does mean that you have a borline personality?
Q. I went to my sis's psychological appointment, she insised me to go. She as diagnose as biopolar, what her newly diagnose is borderline personality, for people knows about this area, what is borderline and how can I detect?

A. Borderline personality disorder got its name from being a disoder on the border of being psychotic. I bet that explanation didn't mean very much to you so I will explain.

BPD symptoms are an intolerability to negative emotions. People will seek out pleasure all the time and if they can't find pleasure will resort to hurting themselves to turn the emotional pain into a physical one. Needing to eat high sugar high fat comfort foods, abuse drugs, be the party person, etc are all signs of BPD. This is also why people who are hurting inside cut themselves on the outside. BPD people are also very afraid that someone else will hurt them and will often freak out if they see something wrong with their bodies(like a cut or bruise) and they will worry incessantly that this cut or bruise is what will cause the massive heart attack, stroke, cancer, etc. BPD people also need to be the center of attention and can be very jealous. Suicide attempts occur often, but usually the person knows exactly how many pills they can take without actually dying and how to call for help so once again the attention is on them. BPD people know how to turn one person against another and can be very skillful manipulators. Most BPD people are extremely inteligent and can talk their way out of anything (until they get to be known as someone who tries to talk their way out), yet do terribly in school and in social situations. Most were abused and abandoned as young children and most are women.

Having just one or two of these traits does not meant that you have BPD, having all these traits doesn't mean it either as mental health diagnoses often overlap each other.

Mental health diagnosis are over 5 axis. Axis one is amental health diagnosis like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Axis 2 is the personality disorders like BPD, or histrionic personaltiy disorder...I think axis3 is medical diagnosis, axis 4 is socioeconomic factors like no money, no health insurance, being homeless, axis 5 would be the global asessment functinoal score. 100 is perfectinoand 0 is being dead. Most people in the psych hospitals for the short term would be at 65-80 (like some folks with heart disease will get depressed so axis 1 would be depression, axis 2 would be deferred because of no personality disorder, axis 3 would be heart disease, axis 4 would be loss of money due to no work due to heart disease ,and axis 5 would be a number representing how well the person is handling all this stress). Hope this answer helps you.

Take care of yourself!!!! This is not in any way a death sentence for you or your sis. Lots of people have overcome!!!

BPD responds extremely well to DBT therapy. I would also recommend exercise, good nutrition (no high fat sugar binges to feel momentarily better), and hobbies.

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