What is the primary factor that differentiates bulimia nervosa from binge eating?

Q. a.) Purging is rarely practiced in binge-eating disorder
b.) Higher rates of depression are reported in bulimia nervosa
c.) More food is consumed at one setting in binge-eating disorders
d.) Uncontrollable cravings for high-fat foods are seen only in bulimia nervosa

A. As someone who struggles with bulemia i know for a fact that the main difference is the purging after the binging. A person with binge-eating disorder eats until uncomfortably full and then duznt do anything to offset the calories wile someone with bulemia eats until uncomfortably ful and finds some way to get rid of the calories whether its vomiting, laxitives, extreme excercise or fasting a few days afterwards.

What are some of the health problems with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorders?
Q. What are some of the health problems associated with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder? Explain, from a physiological standpoint, how eating disorders may lead to health problems. Give at least three examples to support your answer.

A. stomach ulcers (also ulcer may open and your stomache would be bleeding on the inside)
-Vomiting too often also can rot your teeth (Breakdown of the enamel on the teeth) and insides because of the acids
constipation and slow emptying of the stomach
A slow heartbeat (fewer than 60 beats per minute)
Purplish skin color on the arms and legs from poor blood circulation
Stopping or never getting a monthly menstrual period
Shrunken breasts
Thinning hair, dry skin, and brittle nails
weakening bones
loss of energy
the feeling of being cold all of the time
Dry, yellowish skin
abdominal pain
growth of fine hair in may parts of the body
bruises easily

so as you see many and many many more so don't even think about it hun

How is binge-eating disorder differ from bulimia nervosa?
Q. What factors contribute to the development and treatment of binge-eating disorder?

A. binge-eating disorder is overindulging, while bulimia is vomiting after binging.

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