I've gained about 4 pounds in one week, Is that even possible?&How can I lose the weight quickly?

Q. I really need to stop eating so much food and binge eating because that much weight gain in one week is ridiculous. I am currently 132 and last week I was 128, I am 5'3" and female, I think to have a flat stomach or be normal looking person I need to weigh around 115. How can I get there physically and emotionally? Such as controlling the binge eating and making good food choices or any diet vitamins/pills? Any ideas?

A. cut back on salt and sugary foods. Also remember weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the bathroom both 1 and 2 and before you eat anything. Then eat like you normally do and weigh yourself before you go to bed and before you go to the restroom that night and ill bet you weigh 2-5 pounds more! Water in take can manipulate your weight but doesnt mean fat can also make you look bloated.

How do some people get addicted to cutting themselves?
Q. i dont get why anyone would become addicted to something that doesnt feel good or bring them any pleasure.... for other addictions theres that euphoric feeling you get when you are doing the addiction like
anorexia- losing weight
binge eating- eating food give pleasure
smoking/drinking/drugs- make you feel good

but cutting doesnt do any of that it just hurts...so if someone was doing it out of curiosity i dont understand how they would become addicted?

A. When someone cut themselves the body releases endorphin that makes the person feel good and euphoric, like a drug, but not too intense. That way, a person becomes addicted to this feeling, because for one instance you have a nice feeling.
Also, the person who is doing self-harm doesn't feel the pain of the cut, they have so much pain inside them that they don't even care, and when you come to think, it isn't that much pain, and it only lasts for a few seconds.

How often should i eat junk food?
Q. I'm a 13 year-old girl, and i want to be healthy. But how often should i eat junk foods? You know like candy bars, tasty cakes, donuts etc. Someone plz tell me!
(I'm a healthy weight, and hope to stay that way if you don't mind.)

A. Junk food.........ah, such an addiction, yet, so good.

Well, let's break it down:

Junk food (i.e. fast food) - you should never eat this crap. It's bad for your heart, adds lots of empty calories and totally not good for you in any way, nutrition-wise.

Candy bars, donuts, etc.......also of no nutritional value, but hey, you are a girl.... and monthly PMS will MAKE YOU CRAVE CHOCOLATE and sweets.

While donuts and cakes should be avoided, you can have your chocolate and eat it, too. Particularly DARK CHOCOLATE....... (which has more antioxidants to prevent cancer, has magnesium and all kinds of health benefits)

So eat your chocolate! :) Here's proof:


Like anything, eat it moderation.

Do get your exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. Don't totally deprive yourself of treats every now and then (because if you do this, you'll only consume something else in its place and that starts the whole binge/purge cycle which is unhealthy).

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