How much binge eating does have to do before you put on weight?

Q. For how many days ... say if you binge eat one day and then the next... and so on - how many days will it take to put on weight? If you're not overweight already and you exercise for an hour everyday anyway...
In response to the first answer, you'd have to binge eat EVERY day for a week to gain weight? Not just one or two days in a row?

A. depends on how much you binge and how active you are

Average size (120-150 lbs) sedentary woman will burn about 1750-2000 calories per day.

One pound of weight is equal to about 3500 calories.

So if you binged by 500 calories a day, you would gain one pound a week, if you binged by about 1000 calories, you would gain 2 lbs a week etc.

Binging is the consumption of excessive calorie. In order to gain one pound, you would have to eat 3500 calories in excess of what you burn (3500 calories = 1 pound).

If you binged and ate 3500 calories more than you burned in a single day, you would gain one pound in one day. That would mean 3500 + calories burned bmr (2000). You would have to eat around 5500 calories in a day to gain a pound.

So yes, you COULD gain one pound in one day. That's a substantial binge.

How come the fat around my stomach aint coming off?
Q. Ive quit binge eating, ive only been drinking water, ive been exercising 30 mins a day,everyday,ive been doing this for over a month now, and the fat doesnt seem to be coming off my stomach.Why is this?

A. The reason you aren't losing fat around your stomach is probably because you are only doing cardio. When you do cardio (walking, running, biking, ect) you make everything proportionally smaller. For example, if you are shaped like an apple, (large middle, smaller legs) and you do cardio, you will only become a smaller apple shape. That means your legs will get smaller, your stomach will get smaller, your arms will get smaller, but they will look the same proportion. You need to do weight training on the areas that you want to change, there are plenty of exercises that you can to that focus on the stomach. Try looking some exercises up online... but a good one I use is going to the gym and they have a stand that you can do sit ups on but it looks like this... \... your legs are at the top and your head is at the bottom, your head is lower than your body. Then you hold a weight and do a few sets of 8-10 reps. You will start to build muscle, and the muscle will burn the fat on your stomach as you exercise and even while you are resting. If you stay committed to including weight training, you WILL see results.. I promise!!!

how could i have lost weight from binge eating for 2 weeks?
Q. so i have been binge eating for 2 weeks due to emotional reasons.
the nurse weighed me last friday and i was up 3kg from when i first started binge eating (i was 54kg then i was up to about 58kg, cant remember) then today i weighed myself and i am 55.1kg
how is this possible?

A. your weight fluctuates on average two pounds everday. some times more or less.
it depends on the time of day you weighed yourself. to get accurate results you must weigh yourself the same time everyday. wear the same clothes. use the washroom or eat the same amount of meals before weighing yourself. thats why most people weigh themselves right when they get up, after using the washroom and before showering. "when they are the lightest"
also, the fact that different scales were used will change your results.

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