How can I end my bad eating habits?

Q. I keep setting goals to end my bad eating habits, but for some reason I always fail. I even mark the beginning and ending date for a set goal on my calender & get really excited about accomplishing it. I'll exercise and eat healthy for about a week, then give into temptations and binge on junk food.

I'm not sure what else to do. I want to end my bad eating habits before they become serious!


A. You are mentally weak. If you cannot hold yourself back from eating food, that's sad.

Yes, there are temptations but you MUST overcome it. You can't expect to lose weight if you give up.

When you go to the store, just DON'T buy any junk food. Buy good foods, so when you look in your fridge to get something to eat you cannot eat anything bad.


Everything takes time.

How can I stop wanting to eat all the time?
Q. I constantly feel the urge to eat. Especially when i'm in a place with lots of food, its so much worse. It's like a compulsive urge, and I dont know how to overcome it. I'm bulimic, so once I end up binge eating I force myself to throw up, and then starve myself for a while.

If I could control my cravings I wouldnt make myself sick or go through these cycles, please does anybody know how I can stop or overcome this ravenous hunger/urge to eat everything?

A. Sweetie, your hunger has nothing to do with food. It has to do with emotions and self-worth, and needing acceptance. The food is just a substitute for what's missing in your life. When you gorge you're trying to fill up emptiness. Then when you feel the emptiness still there and how you've treated your body, you throw up the food. It's a vicious cycle that won't stop unless you get some professional help.

Please see a counselor about your eating habits. Sooner or later your body will rebel against the abuse you're inflicting, which can include having your hair fall out, and automatically throwing up even if you don't want to. You're in my prayers. Overcoming bulimia is a challenge, but it can be done with the help of a compassionate therapist.

If I DON'T binge eat, I get crippling migraines that make me unable to get out of bed?
Q. I'll be so confident about not binge eating all day, then by noon I'll have such a terrible migraine that it makes me nauseous and unable to even get out of bed.

How am I suppose to overcome binge-eating if I have god-awful migraines when I DON'T DO IT?

A. You go see a doctor and get some medication to help you relieve or avoid the migraines, that's how. If you are getting a headache because you are not eating, perhaps you have a physical malady that could be treated. Or you are not eating enough to begin with, except when you binge. If your current diet habit is to skip meals and starve for long periods of time, then eating sensibly three or more times a day would also probably work. True hunger is usually the response of a body desperate for fuel. So if you skimped on dinner and skipped breakfast, a headache and hunger would be normal reactions. How much you eat and what you eat is a different story. For now though, I suggest a visit to the doctor to find the reason for the headaches, and a better solution than you have now.

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