Is it possible that I've gone from having a binge eating disorder to anorexia.?

Q. I've been diagnosed with Binge eating but for about a week I've been limiting my food a lot and I feel almost disguisted when I try to eat food. I don't know what's going on!

A. It might be the fact that you know what has happened to you, so you're trying to prevent it. Starving yourself isn't going to make it work. It could even make it worse.

Why is bing eating more dangerous than anorexia or bulimia?
Q. I heard on a tv show a few weeks ago that binge eating was more dangerous than anorexia or bulimia but i can't really seem to find any!

A. binge eating is connected to bulimia as many bulimics binge and purge.. but eating irregularly is bad for your body because your body won't know what to do with the sudden increase in food and will most likely convert more of it to fat or make your digestive system over work and the food will putrify in your gut.

Does recovering from anorexia predispose you to binge eating disorder?
Q. Since your brain was thrown into starvation mode for so long, and the primal instinct in the brain is to eat more when you can in case of famine, wouldn't someone who was anorexic (in a state of starvation and "famine") be more likely to binge eat when/if they overcame the anorexia since the body would be afraid of starving again? And if so,would it be a long-term or a short-term episode of binging?

A. Hrm... as a severely underweight individual, I can say I probably would happily binge to be a healthy weight if I thought it would actually work, though I am uncertain if I was ever actually anorexic, or if it was pickiness + fast metabolism... I suppose the true question is if they are likely to stop before they become obese. A bmi of 25 could be daunting to such a person, and they may stop, suffer a relapse, or would they become a gainer, deciding anything is better than being a stick, and would therefore happily munch their way from one extreme to the other... Hrm.

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