How can i get help on having an eating disorder?

Q. i want to stop being bulimic before it gets worse, i started awhile ago but then managed to stop but things didn't stay and i started again but i don't binge eat and mainly just purge after tea- i keep purging after tea until acid stuff just comes out.

but i don't want to tell friends as none of them are that close to me anymore and my parents wouldn't understand and i don't want professional help i just want someone to help me out abit.

A. Bulimia is very difficult to recover from without professional help. Depending on your age, you might be able to get help from professionals without informing your parents. If you're underage and want professional help, you would most likely have to tell your parents.
You might also want to consider talking to a counselor, social worker or psychologist at your school.
Another idea is to find a support group for those who are going through eating disorders. These groups can be extremely helpful, and will allow you to talk with others who are in similar situations.
If you're hesitant to talk to a psychologist, you could ask your doctor for a recommendation to a nutritionist, who would be able to help you to normalize your eating patterns, and give you suggestions for foods to help you, and plans and strategies that will help you in recovery.
I also have an eating disorder and I understand how hard it is to recovery. I would really recommend talking to a doctor, psychologist and dietician to help you in your recovery. Also, in my personal experience, my parents have been much more understanding and helpful than I had ever expected them to be.
I hope that this advice has helped and given you some ideas, and if you have any more questions or want more advice, my email is
I also recommend the website Something Fishy (

How can i keep myself from binge eating?
Q. I am usually very healthy, and I watch what I eat. Sometimes, though, I go absolutely crazy and eat everything in sight. The next day I feel angry and disappointed in myself. How can I let myself indulge and then stop ; not just keep eating and eating?

A. Hi, I also suffer from binge eating :( I know this is kind of weird but I was wondering if maybe we could e-mail each other tips and once we get to know each other maybe exchange numbers and text when we feel like we are about to binge? I know this sounds kind of creepy, but I promise, I actually am interested. If you are too just e-mail me at
If you don't want to, here are some tips. . .
What I do is make a huge jug of tea (normally in a container that holds 8-12 cups) if I want to eat I make tea and tell myself that I need to drink all of it before I can eat anything. By the time I'm done i'm normally full + it has given me time to think about how sad I will be after I eat.

Any free, online chat rooms for recovery from eating disorders?
Q. I have the binge eating disorder and I'm trying to recover. I need support and I'm looking for an online chat room where I can talk with people who have an eating disorder too or know someone who has an eating disorder or an expert.
Can you help?

A. i can help you! i don't want to tell you about it over this.. but if you send me an email I promise i will help (:

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