What is an eating disorder in simple terms? And what is the types of eating disorders a person can have?

Q. I would just like to know what the term 'eating disorder' means and the various types as well as a short description

Thank you for answering =)

A. The Free Dictionary describes an eating disorder as "Any of various psychological disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, that involve insufficient or excessive food intake."
There are many different eating disorders, but the five main eating disorders are:
-anorexia: defined by insufficient calorie intake, weight loss and refusal to maintain normal bodyweight, disturbance in the way that the person views his/her body and fear of weight gain
-bulimia: defined by a pattern of binging (consuming excessive amounts of food in a short period of time) and compensating for a binge, usually by purging, but also through other methods such as laxatives, diuretics, excessive exercise and fasting
-eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS): an eating disorder which involves many of the symptoms of bulimia or anorexia but is atypical to that disorder (i.e. the person may have anorexic behaviors, but has not lost significant weight, etc)
-compulsive overeating: defined by a continual urge to eat, despite not feeling hungry; compulsive overeating is characterized, like binge eating disorder, by an addiction to food
-binge eating disorder: characterized by periods of binging in which the individual is not hungry, but lacks control over his/her eating habits and consumes large amounts of food in a short period of time

Good intro for a paper about eating disorders?
Q. Eating disorders are serious conditions with which you are so worried with food and weight that you can�t focus on anything else. The main types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. Eating disorders can cause serious physical problems, and the most severe can be life-threatening. Most people with eating disorders are girls, but guys can also have eating disorders. An exception is binge-eating disorder, which affects almost as many guys as girls. The signs and symptoms of eating disorders are different depending on the type of eating disorder. Treatments for eating disorders usually involve psychotherapy, nutrition education, family counseling, medications and hospitalization.

A. Pretty good. I think you should come up with something else for your first sentence. You need something that is interesting (maybe a fact or something) and will grab your reader's attention. You should also try to use "eating disorders" a little less and try to make your sentences flow into each other a little more, they are kind of choppy.

How old are you?

How do i tell my mum that i binge eat?
Q. I have just researched about the Binge eating disorder? and it turns out i have all the symptoms.. I am so embarrassed its unreal and i don't want to tell my family if there is someone on here who could help me so that i don't have to tell them it would be so good! Please can i not have any horrible comments? i feel bad enough as it is
Im around 10 stone 5? i have stopped weighing myself and im 5 foot 5 <3

A. I know this is probably really hard for you trust me, i used to have an eating disorder. there are alot of websites you can look up that have treatments for binge eating. also, talk to a counselor if you dont want to tell you mom right away, i know it is hard. but she needs to know, if she is understanding she will do anything she can to make everything ok. you can get through this(:

how do you get rid of binge eating disorder?
Q. Anyone who has suffered from the disorder have any advice on how to heal from it?

A. I would say that receiving professional help is the best path towards recovery from BED.

Binge Eating Disorder, along with many other EDs, is only a SYMPTOM of the real underlying condition. For example: BED is to major depressive disorder, as tingling/numbness in hands or feet is to diabetes. The eating disorder is the symptom of the major depressive disorder, much like the tingling is a symptom of diabetes. In other words, if you or someone you know is struggling with BED, it�s best to talk with a psychologist/therapist (one who specializes in EDs). The professional is trained to help individuals find better coping mechanisms for certain stressors in their life.

However, if you choose to not seek professional help there are many books that deal with EDs and healthy coping mechanisms. The best one I�ve come across is Life Without ED. Check it out.

But in all honesty the best solution is to ask for professional help. Hope you find what you need.

P.S. Some key things to remember during your recovery:
1) People go forward AND backward in recovery, be patient with yourself
2) Rid yourself of the ALL or NOTHING thought process (this means don�t beat yourself up if you �binge� during the recovery process)
3) Think of every �binge� as a learning process. Try to examine what you�re stressed out about (could be work, school, social gatherings, celebrations, etc.)
4) Develop a support system. Find someone you can vent to about your binge episodes (OA or ANAD group meetings, online forums, journal, family, etc.)
5) IMPORTANT: You have nothing to be ashamed of. All eating disorders are a disease. They do not reflect who you are as a person!

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