Would a psychiatrist put a teen on meds for binge eating disorder?

Q. I'm 15, and i have extreme uncontrollable binge eating problems and i think i'm starting to lose it mentally. As i get more and more depressed i eat more and i'm starting to gain back all of the 50 pounds i lost. Do you think a doctor would just call me a fatass, tell me to diet, and send me on my way, or would they try to help and put me on meds? I weigh 350 pounds.

A. they'd more likely just tell you to exetcise :/ but then again, lots of docs want to appease drug companies...so hey, you could get lucky...i totally get what ur going through, im bulimic and docs are reluctant to help me...therapy doesnt help it just depresses me and makes me wanna binge...im on antidepressants but they dont help the binging, and no one will give me appetite restriction meds because im thin...but if i got the meds i wouldnt need to vomit anymore, i dont even care about being skinny...i just dont wanna become obese. yeah and docs dont get it they tell me to journal what i eat, or reduce my portions but its like i physically cannot stop...augh, im killing myself here and theres nothing to help me :/

sorry about that rant lol...i needed it, good luck you have more hope in getting meds since you are overweight but the doc may be reluctant since ur only a teen :( msg me if you need anything at all :)

its hard for bingers...people think STOP EATING or the put down the fork diet, as my dad would say is the answer...if we could, we would have long ago...i hate the stigma over binging, it sucks :(

How can I distract myself from binge eating?
Q. I suffer from anxiety and depression and I some times deal with it by binge eating. I see a psychiatrist and I also take medication. I have been binge eating for about two years. How do i stop before it makes me fat. I currently weigh 108 at 5'3. Is there a cure for binge eatting. I really want to stop

A. Hey Tanise

I don't think it takes a doctor to explain that the root of the problem is not the binge eating, it is trying to get to the root of what makes you anxious and depressed, and sometimes that is not always as easy as we may think as our minds are probably the most complex machines earth, and as you talk about the things that potentially induce these feelings it may trigger a light bulb moment that enables you to recognise exactly what it is. However rather than going on an unrealistic quest to resolve your issue in the shortest possible time, just let the life come to you, and the answers will come along with it, just be honest with 'yourself' and don't worry about failing, worry about not succeeding.

I hope you are able to get to a place that you are comfortable with.

Take care and i wish you luck, as there is someone quite lose to me who has a relative circumstance to yours, and the love and support of your friends and family are key also.

How can I stop binge eating in the early hours of the night?
Q. I'm trying to loose weight and am a binge eater. I'm finding it particularly hard to stop these cravings at night. It is for sweet food. I am fully awake and know what I'm doing but I can't help myself. I can't eat it fast enough and won't be satisfied until I eat it. I eat 3 healthy meals a day with snacks in-between and have something sweet after tea to satisfy my sweet tooth which seems to work. However, I cannot control myself at night. Please note that I am severly depressed and on medication

A. Hi Katie. I know how hard this can be. Especially at night. I think it is crucial to continue to get help with your depression if you want to stop binge eating once and for all.Our emotional state of being truly effects our cravings when we are binge eaters. Please continue to fight for your health, as am I. and please follow my blogs about binge eating and dieting!! Together we can over come this!!



Will antidepressants help with my terrible over eating habits when stressed/sad and help me lose weight?
Q. Has anyone experienced being depressed and binge eating then fixing the depression and losing weight? I have been eating so much lately because I am depressed from being out of work. I gained 15 lbs. If my doctor gives me antidepressants, will this help with my over eating? I want to stop this terrible habit of stress/anxiety/depressed eating. Please tell me your experiences and what works and what doesn't work.

A. Anti-depressants are serious drugs, not to be messed around with. Try proper dieting, exercise and self control. You don't understand the horrible side effects and withdrawal effects from anti-depressants.

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