I need some binge eating support, where can I turn to?

Q. I can't stop binge eating! I hate it. I can easily consume 10 candybars with peanut butter in one sitting, or a whole box of cookies at once, or a whole pizza plus desert. It is so bad, I feel disgusted with myself and I need to quit.

I am a male, and have seen many sites with females talking about this type of emotional eating.

Any other males out there like me struggling?

All tips welcome, and I really would like some1 to talk to for support.

A. man do i know how crappy it feels
i gained about 50lbs in 2005 summer
thats bad
you really need support from your family on this
I come from a family that thinks the more you eat the healthier you'll be >so it was tough for me
but I got through it I lost 60 lbs in 4months after I had realized what I was doing was horrible
You really need to get whoever buys the food in the house to stop buying so much of it
The thing that got me into binge eating in the first place was, quite ironically, I would tell myself to go on a diet that restricts certain foods, I would do quite well throughout the day but come dinner time I would tell myself "you did well, reward yourself" and as soon as I took the box of oreos I would then tell myself "fuck it, I'll start tommorow" and eat everything in sight
diets are really Not cool at all
sounds weird but...
You should eat the foods you like but, what I did was, I wait until I am hungry, then eat a meal, then wait again, then eat again, when i finished a meal I completely tried as hard as I could to find something to do (in order to keep my mind off food)
I know how you feel

How would someone develop a binge eating disorder or become a compulsive overeater?
Q. If one was to try, albeit it will take time, how would they develop themselves a binge eating disorder? What would they have to do to actually start it up?

How would one become a compulsive overeater?

Other than stress and such, what would need to be done?

A. Hey there, I'm afraid its very easy to develop binge eating disorder. It even takes one binge to set it off. Once someone had a few binges its easy to let the guilt get you into the cycle. You're right to say that binge eating is an emotional disorder- people are more likely to binge eat when they're feeling low than when they're feeling happy. I think low self esteem definitely contributes and is what can keep you into the habit of doing it. If you believe in yourself enough to want to get out of the cycle, you can do it. I myself struggled with binge eating and it got really out of hand, but with support and learning not to beat yourself up and love yourself you can get out of it. Binge eating starts mainly because of emotional reasons. Anyone can become a compulsive overeater unless they really dont care much for food or have never used food to deal with problems. Binge eating disorders are too easy to start up as one binge leads to another and another until you find yourself overeating all the time. Compulsive overreating is when eating becomes out of hand and you eat vast quantities of food in a short time and eat even when very full. I've been there and binge eating is horrible. If you suffer from this get support and see a counsellor. Hope I helped answer your question :)

What are some of the health problems with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorders?
Q. What are some of the health problems associated with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder? Explain, from a physiological standpoint, how eating disorders may lead to health problems. Give at least three examples to support your answer.

A. stomach ulcers (also ulcer may open and your stomache would be bleeding on the inside)
-Vomiting too often also can rot your teeth (Breakdown of the enamel on the teeth) and insides because of the acids
constipation and slow emptying of the stomach
A slow heartbeat (fewer than 60 beats per minute)
Purplish skin color on the arms and legs from poor blood circulation
Stopping or never getting a monthly menstrual period
Shrunken breasts
Thinning hair, dry skin, and brittle nails
weakening bones
loss of energy
the feeling of being cold all of the time
Dry, yellowish skin
abdominal pain
growth of fine hair in may parts of the body
bruises easily

so as you see many and many many more so don't even think about it hun

How can I distract myself from binge eating?
Q. I suffer from anxiety and depression and I some times deal with it by binge eating. I see a psychiatrist and I also take medication. I have been binge eating for about two years. How do i stop before it makes me fat. I currently weigh 108 at 5'3. Is there a cure for binge eatting. I really want to stop

A. Hey Tanise

I don't think it takes a doctor to explain that the root of the problem is not the binge eating, it is trying to get to the root of what makes you anxious and depressed, and sometimes that is not always as easy as we may think as our minds are probably the most complex machines earth, and as you talk about the things that potentially induce these feelings it may trigger a light bulb moment that enables you to recognise exactly what it is. However rather than going on an unrealistic quest to resolve your issue in the shortest possible time, just let the life come to you, and the answers will come along with it, just be honest with 'yourself' and don't worry about failing, worry about not succeeding.

I hope you are able to get to a place that you are comfortable with.

Take care and i wish you luck, as there is someone quite lose to me who has a relative circumstance to yours, and the love and support of your friends and family are key also.

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