What are some psychological disorders you would diagnose the characters of looney tunes with????? PLSS?

Q. I'm doing a PowerPoint for psychology, and it is due in 2 days. I need some help hear because i don't really watch the loony tunes. But please just a name of there disorder and why you chose it. You don't have to do all of the characters just as many as you want Please and thankss soooo much!! 10 pts if you answerr :))

A. It is a shame that you cannot do Charles Shultz "Peanuts" (Charlie Brown / Snoopy / Lucy) characters. If you can, I could give you youhr whole presentation. The individuals are based on personality disordered people in Charles Schultz's life.


1) On Foghorn Leghorn: The old female hen named Ms. Percy is always looking for a man in overt ways and is clingy. She could have "Dependent Personality Diusorder"

2) Foghorn Leghorn (the big rooster) who crows and makes the day start as if the world is on his time line and abuses and humilates the dog with violence. He seems to have "Narcissitic Personality Disorder and/or Antisocial Personlaity Disorder" as he comes off as arrogant and ruling class. He has a charm about himself, but he enjoys abusing the dog and humilating him. Plus he likes the attention from the lady hens and flirts with all of them (Histrionic Personlaity Disorder).

3) Wyle E Coyote has obssessive-compulsive disroder because he obsessivey is compelled to get the Roadrunner to his own detriment day after day.

4) Yosemite Sam with his two six guns has Intermittent Explosive Disorder as he walks around and something infuriates him and he "blastsesses it to hornee toads."

5) Daffy Duck is is odd and manic. He may be Schizoidal or Schizophrenic with manic episodes and ADD due to him being excitable and all over the place.

6) Bugs Bunny has Multiple Personality Disorder as he dresses in many disguises and many personas. Some personalitiues are female even, but usually as part of a con. Con artists can often be Antisocial Personality Disordered persons as well.

7) The Turtle that raced Bugs Bunny in the "Tortise and the Hare". The turtle acted dopey and passive, but he had a secret jet-pack in his turtle shell that was aggressive. He infuraiated Bugs with his Passive-aggressive Disorder.

8) Pepe Le Pew is a skunk who is a real ladies man (skunk). He is very forward and holds females against their will and does not seem to care about their feelings. He misinterprets or disregards them them and is highly sexual. He has a skewed reality where love is always the goal or answer. He has a "love addiction" which can be Histrionic Personality Disorder on the surface. If we knew his real mind, he might have Borderline Personality Disorder because the self that you see is just a facade and he might really be disturbed inside and we might never know it.

9) Elmer Fudd can be Bipolar as he can go from optimisitic to tantruming and crying while beating his fist on the ground when a plan goes wrong. Then he gets up and does it all over again and gets worse each time until he succumbs to forfeiting into a depressive state and goes home to go back to bed.

10) Tasmanian Devil has a binge Eating Disorder because he eats everything from animals to dynamite to anvils. He is an irresponsible eater and it is emotionally-driven by his unstable emotional state and lack of self-control. He is in a whirlwind at all times and just spins, maniacally hangs his tongue out and eats anything presnted to him. He is obsessed with eating, so he may have obsessive-compolsive disorder as well.

Good luck! Go look on Youtube for these characters individually. Stop on a frame of the video that best displays each behavior and use a screen grabber to get just the right photo. A friend with photoshop could do this for you pretty fast. Just give them a Youtube link and tell them what minute/second you want them to extract the frozen movie frame from and they can email you it back to put in your .ppt.

Is fasting healthy? Please help.?
Q. So I need to lose a little extra weight. For example, today, I ate big breakfast, and I'm planning to only drink water for rest of the day. Tomorrow, im planning on to wake up, drink some water, work out, eat like a small bag of chips, than drink water for rest of the day. Please provided detailed answer, 10 points to best!

A. fasting for short periods is fine, and its a good way to cut back on calories and detox your system. But fasting for longer periods isnt good because it can leave you too hungry making it more likely to binge eat later. And fasting for too many days consecutively can slow your metabolism making it harder to lose weight. You should look into intermittent fasting which sounds like what you are trying to do.
For an intermittent fast, you fast for short periods, 24 hrs or by skipping a meal. Its also good to make sure you eat at regular intervals when you arent fasting so help keep your metabolism going. Fasting for too many days consecutively is not recommended.

do i have an eating disorder?
Q. i think i might've had an eating disorder before but i'm not sure if i still do.
i am 169 cm and used to be 60kg and i think i even got up to 63kg. i wasn't even considered 'chubby' to other people, just a tall healthy girl. i was just starting highschool and seeing all these skinny girls with child like bodies, many hadn't grown curves yet. this didn't phase me too much until the following year when i heard my friend's weight of 47kg. my dad began commenting on the size of my calves and how it would be beautiful to have skinny little ankles.

i really didn't enjoy highschool and was often miserable and crying in a corner (don't know if it was minor depression?). so i thought maybe losing weight to be the size of all the other girls would make me as happy as them i suppose. i don't know how it crept up onto me so fast. my friend was 160cm and 47kg and i wanted to beat that! my dad continued to comment about my legs and ankles and that was it!

so the following year in the holidays i began to starve myself. i would jump around the house and try to dance to burn off the weight. i was home alone so i didn't have to eat anything. when my parents came home i would eat dinner with them normally. they noticed my excessive weighing but i could tell they probably wanted me to shed a few kg. my weight started dropping off. 60..58..57..56..55. at 55kg i was content but i had to beat 47kg. i kept going 55..53..52..51..50 i needed to duck under 50kg! 50..49..48. i couldn't do it.

no matter how much i starved myself my weight wouldn't budge. since my friend was nearly 10cm shorter than me i decided that 1kg was my leeway. i slowly got on track to eating a bit more, no one noticed my dramatic weight loss because it was winter and we were always covered up. as summer came i began receiving compliments about my legs, arms, waist. everyone was like 'omg you're so skinny' they didn't notice how big i was before, they thought i was always like this. who'd have known that when i was losing weight, my friend had gained a bit and i found out she was over 50kg. i had beaten her! she still looked marvously thin though.

i was so happy with my size. i could fit into size 8, wear short skirts and tight tops. then the health problems came in. my period didnt come because of my dramatic weightloss. my parents were really concerned and thought i was too thin. i didn't care. but i still cared about my body. it was all jiggly from losing muscle and all that was left was fat.

i used to be very sporty but lost all my sporting abilities through weightloss. i joined a netball club and school team and gained 2kg from muscle mass. i let myself go and went to 52kg. i quickly reversed it by starving again and going down to 49kg. i couldnt live like that,i was eating so little and feeling dizzy all the time and so now i have decided to stay at 50kg.

the difference from now and then is that now i count calories and kj. for breakfast i have 200g of low fat yoghurt. for recess i have plain carrot sticks. and for lunch i have half a ham sandwich.. at school i am often hungry because of how little i have. my friend eats 2 bananas for recess and 3 cheese, protein&vegetable and pb&j sandwiches for lunch. when i get home at 4pm i am famished. i tend to binge and eat a lot (but i dont puke). i'd often eat a bowl of watermelon and a plate of frozen chips cooked in the microwave. for dinner i eat a heap of salad and a little of what my mum cooks.

a week before my period, i get ravenously hungry. my plans to stay at 50kg or under completely vanish. i HAVE to eat. it's as bad as a pregnancy craving. i just eat and eat and eat and no one can stop me. the reason why i'm like this is because my body fat is too low for my period and without gaining at least 1kg, i won't have my period. so every month the week before my period my body just wants me to eat eat eat!! this is the time when my mum is content about how much i eat.

my dad keeps commenting on how my bones stick out everywhere and how i'm too thin. he doesn't know he's partly to blame. i am ok with my body atm. i'd love to be thinner but i know i'm lighter than most girls in my grade.

A. Sort of. It's not fully controlling your life (yet) but you are going down the route of an eating disorder.

Starving yourself s not a good way to loose weight. Intermittent fasting isn't too bad (eat Normally one day, don't eat the next) or as dangerous to your health or metabolism, but still cuts your calorie intake overal, resulting is slow weight loss.

I get what you mean about parents or family members making comment. My granddad used to tease me for being fat, now he teases me for being skinny. I'm a guy 18, 195cm and gone from 110kg to 80kgs, and would like to get to 75kg. I wouldn't say I have an eating disorder, it comes and goes, depending whether or not I'm depressed seems to set it off but at the moment I'm normal.

So long as you're cautious and accept that you do need to eat, you'll be ok. However I will tell you this : loosing weight is about low carb diet, morning cardio exercise while hungry, and intermittent fasting - but don't fast and exercise or you'll probably feel I'll. You can loose more weight if you cut out carbs and eat fat, than if you just live off carbs.

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