Need advice on recovery for bulimia?

Q. I've been fighting an ED (bulimia) for about 5 years now. I'm really ready to put a stop to this. I cannot do therapy at the moment, but plan on it in the future.

So aside from therapy, I would like to know what worked best for those that have ALREADY recovered. Anything would help at this point. I really want to beat this!!!
I appreciate the prayers but I need something MUCH more concrete. Someone who has gone through this PLEASE help!

A. Therapy never helped me...I used to have quite a bad eating disorder for years, but now only will binge once every couple months, which i can live with. don't think you need them, but they might help.

Don't keep much food in your house if you can help it. Only healthy things that won't tempt you to keep eating.

Go to the gym everyday if you can!!! I'm telling you...this is my number one advice for you. A workout is an instant better mood. It makes you want to eat healthy and be healthy.

I'm always more prone to binging/ purging when I'm hungover. Be on extra alert during days when your tired or hungover!!

Seriously, get sleep and exercise. Thats the best advice I can give you. And an antidepressant might be a good idea too. Don't beat yourself up if you mess up ...just pick up where you left off the next day and give yourself a break.

It sounds like a dumb reason, but the fact that it makes you look like crap after you binge/ purge (puffy face, tired looking) ...maybe that will be extra motivation for you! That and I am always so tired for a few days after. I hope that this helps you :) You can beat it!

I need help to stop my binge's out of control!?
Q. I need help FAST. I just binged again...and I ate so much. Starting tomorrow I'm going to see how long I can go with out binging...and hopefully recover! :)

What are some tips/motivation info you guys can give to to succeed!?

A. Okay i have the same problem.
i dunno if you do it just once in a while or if it's an everyday thing.
Whenever i decide im gonna stop binging, it just leaves me thinking about food even more.
So i made up this "trick" that helps you to not binge for a week or so.
I know it's not a long term solution, but give it a try.
I do this:
Day 1: tell myself i can still binge, but it HAS to be on fruit, tomatoes whatever. (healthy stuff)
Day 2: i feel a bit better and dont feel like binging on sugar stuff. still loads of fruit.
Day 3: i eat a bit less and stop when im full. (when i feel healthy, i dont binge)
Day 4: eating low cal foods and feel a bit more energized and happy.
Day 5-?: feeling good and eating healthy.

i usually lose 1-2kg doing this.
I always end up messing up my new habbits when im hungover, but maybe this will help you?

I had my first bad binge eating episode last night and today I feel hungover?
Q. I feel midly nauseated and ridiculously tired and cold...No headache but I feel similar to like a mild hangover
I am trying hard to get over my eating disorder but last night was the worst
I had a large pizza myself ( I am 5'5 130 ) so yeah I NEVER eat that much...I felt very sick and today I have been thinking about is so bad...I think it actually helped me to put my disorder in perspective and see how bad it is and know that I don't want to get fat or unhealthy nor do I want to feel anxiety or guilt from doing it...I would feel a lot better not giving into temptation than I would being unhealthy and depressed
But should I see a doctor? I am kind of afraid because of the way I feel today

A. The pizza won't kill you. But, you DO need to see a doctor about the eating disorder. You will not be able to get over it by yourself, trust me.

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