What are some components of an eating disorder?

Q. What makes you believe you or someone else may have an eating disorder?
How do people with eating disorders act?

Thanks <33.

A. If you see following signs in your self or in someone else

- Spectacular weight loss in short period of time
- Excessive fear of gaining weight
- Alternation in eating pattern between binges and fasts
- Depressive moods and self-deprecating thoughts following a binge

Or some physical troubles for example

- Chronic kidney problems
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Low potassium. etc.

then perhaps you have eating disorder. You can go for some online information or courses. Using them you will come to know about it and can prevent your self and others from eating disorder.

What are the Warning Signs of an eating disorder?
Q. I think I may have an eating disorder. I have like half of the warning signs, but I know i am not anorexic or bulimic.

Can you give me some of the warning signs?

A. Hello Dear,

If you are having warnings signs like

-Dramatical weight loss in short period of time
-Intense fear of gaining weight
-Extreme fear of gaining weight
-Alternation in eating pattern between binges and fasts
-Depressive moods and self-deprecating thoughts following a binge

Or some physical problems like

-Chronic kidney problems
-Electrolyte imbalance
-Low potassium. etc.

then you probably have eating disorder. You may find more online information and courses for eating disorder and can prevent your self and others before suffering. After all prevention is better than cure.

My parents think that they are helping me by hide food from me?
Q. I have been bulimic for a few years and consequently engage in periods of binge eating followed by purging.

My parents have noticed that i binge eat and recently, my psych told them about my eating disorder.

Now they are beginning to hide food from me with the purpose of preventing me from binge eating.
This is making me extremely anxious because to me, it feels like they;re saying, "you don't need food, you're too fat"

Do you think that hiding food from me is the wrong thing for them to do?

A. well, the fact that they make you feel bad means that their method is not working properly. There are better ways to help you. Perhaps storing healthier foods like fruits and healthy carbs instead of junk food would work, i mean, if you binge on fruits and fiber you'll look prettier and stay healthier even. And to add to that, you, as a family can do something athletic so that instead of watching your diet meticulously you can burn calories.

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