Should I really give up everything I eat to lose weight?

Q. I am 5'4 and I weight 125 I would like to weight 119 iam not fat but I do have a little love handels which I want to get rid of by the summer. I work out 4-5 times a week nd cut down a lot of my binge eating and my guilty fatty foods :(... But I get really hungry in the night and wish to eat a sandwich and stuff.. Will that affect my weight loss?

A. This adds onto the eating at night thing, if you get hungry at around 11:00 or 12:00, somewhere around that time, DO NOT EAT, it means your body is digesting, if you just wait, the hungry feeling will go away quickly.

how many calories do I eat a day to lose weight?
Q. I am a 315 female age 32 height 5ft 6inches. I desperately need to lose weight and have tried everything there is to try it seems. Even acai berry and weight loss for idiots. So now I am back at the calorie thing. I am just worried about getting really hungry and binge eating at night. how many calories do I need to lose weight?

A. Ever heard of Medifast? You eat 800-1000 calories a day...and no, you arent hungry all the time :)

I'm 20 years old and extremely overweight. I'm in the same situation you are in. I have tried everything to lose weight. I found Medifast and I knew this would be my last hope at losing any weight.

I started one month ago on July 15th, and today, I swear to god, I am down 20 pounds (and not at risk for diabetis anymore). I went for a check up yesterday and rubbed it in my doctors face for doubting me. HAHA.

I know what its like to want something so bad, but struggle so hard and get no where.

I'm also a free health coach with Medifast. I offer discounts and big coupons. Plus, isnt it better when someone is going thru the same thing you are, and you are able to share experiences?

my site-

Kacie Schendel

How can I get over an urge to eat?
Q. I'm desperately trying to loose weight. But whenever i try to diet i'm horrible about binge eating. i'll eat really healthy until about 4:00 and then i eat the house down! i eat mc Donald's, pop-tarts, chocolate, everything! give me some tips on how to pass this urge and keep on my diet.

Any other weight loss tips would be greatly appreciated.


A. Clear all those things out of the house and fill the fridge with easy to grab snack foods like baby carrots, grape tomatos and cut up fruits.

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