How can I tell my mom about my binge eating disorder?

Q. I really want help with this and I've been looking stuff up online about it, but I'd like help from a professional so I don't start yo-yo dieting or making my binge eating worse. How can I tell my mom without her just thinking I want attention?

A. I understand what this is like. I have gone from anorexic, to bulimic, to binge eating. Its awful! Its really comendable that you are willing to ask for help. It took me atleast 5 years to get to that point!! The faster you go to a proffessional, the faster you can move on with your life. I dont know how someone could get over it on their own. Just tell your mom you feel like your eating is really out of control, and talking to her is something that was really hard to build up the courage to do. Tell her that you want to get help before it gets worse, because truthfully, the longer you leave an eating disorder, the harder it gets to see any life outside of your disorder. Explain to her how you feel, and what brought you to the point of wanting to seek help. binge eating is just as serious and unhealthy as any eating disorder.
Im sure she will understand and want to help you!! If she doesent, go see a doctor and they will send you to the right person

Good luck!!

What is the best way to get back on track with my diet?
Q. Over the past year, I have gained a significant amount of weight. For about two months, I was following a good diet using the weight watchers online tracking tools. For the last month, however, I have completely fallen off the diet and have basically been binge eating the worst of foods for the past month. I have gained all the weight back and more.

Is it a good idea for example to fast for a day or two and only drink water to clear out my system? I appreciate any tips.

I am 24 and male.

A. Your body needs energy to lose weight. If your already binge eating the worst thing you can do for yourself is to fast for a couple days. While that will make you lose weight it's going to make you miserable and your more likely to binge as soon as your 2 days is up. If you starve yourself when you do eat your body is going to store it all as fat and you will more then likely intake more food then you need. Because your body is wondering how long it has to go without food again. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. Reduce the amount of calories you eat and increase your levels of activity. It sounds like your having a problem staying full if your binge eating. Here are a few things that work for me
1) Drink a large glass of water before you eat this will cleanse your system and fill you up.
2) Eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. eating throughout the day you are less likely to binge
3) Instead of using a dinner plate use a smaller plate, if you see a smaller plate full of food you start to think you are eating more.
4) Keep a daily food intake & work out journal - its a constant reminder of where you are today and where you want to be.
5) Don't just sit in front of the TV. Get yourself some weights and do arm curls or walk on a treadmill. A lot of people eat out of boredom.
6) Eat your calories don't drink them! The worst thing for you is beer, coffee, soda & high sugar juices. Drink water!!
7) Don't weigh yourself every day, you didn't put it on overnight so it's not going to come off overnight.
8) Reward Yourself - Don't deprive yourself of everything you love. If you work out during the day or stuck to mostly healthy foods allow yourself a treat once a week (but don't go over board) measure 1/2 cup of icecream instead of eating the whole gallon.
9) Stay away from Fast Food & Take Out - It's better to stay home and eat a piece of chicken or a salad and fill up on FRUITS & VEGETABLES then to eat a fast food burger and fries and end up with a stomach ache and no energy to work out.
10) Get a work out partner - It's always easier if you have someone to do it with and keep you motivated!

How hard is binge eating on your body?
Q. I know "binging" is bad for you. I claim that I'm a health freak, which in turn causes me to occasionally come to a point of nutritional insanity in which I compleatly binge late at night, mainly on ridiculous amounts of fruit loops and peanut butter sandwhiches. So here's my request...could someone please lay out for me, the negative effects on binge eating, and what it does to your body(in terms of sugar levels, blood pressure, anything like that). Please please be as graphic as possible. I find I keep myself healthy by seeing things like icing as diabetes, and french fries as a heart attack. Please help scare me away frm binge eating with some graphic explaination of what eating a lot, quickly does to the body. Thanks a heap!

A. Remember Linda Carpenter, she died in her early twenties from binge eating, she caused herself to throw up so much, she had an electrolyte imbalance and died of a heart arrhythmia. Sweetheart, I don't think grossness in the manner of death will help you. Your obviously intelligent, and from your question it's obvious your no stranger to what binge eating does to ones body. I strongly suggest you seek medical/mental intervention, an eating disorder cannot be cured via yahoo answers, oh I wish it could. But lets get serious, we can offer advice, tell you the consequences, which again you already know. It's going to take professional help, intervention, dedication, therapy, guts, and determination. But YOU CAN DO IT. NOW GETTY UP AND GO AND GET HELP. Thanks for the opportunity to address your question.

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