Is it possible to stop binge eating?

Q. I have been binge eating for several years it started following a traumatic event...I am overweight now of course, not terribly, but I eat ungodly amounts of food. All I have to do to lose the weight is not eat constantly. Are there any EXbinge eaters out there? Anyone who has stopped the cycle for longer than say three years? And how did you do it? And thin people, people who have been thin for years, how do YOU eat?

A. Ooooh. Tough one.

I can give you some hints on what has diminished this in the past for me.

When I feel like binging, do free writing (unstructured, whatever comes into mind) about my feelings.

Tell myself I can have the food if I just wait an hour and still want it.

Don't carry money to buy junk food with.

exercise helped a lot in the past because the endorphins started boosting me up.

Medications for depression. Working with a therapist to figure out what my main triggers are. With me it is boredom, loneliness, and anxiety.

I am taking Ambien and I sleep eat after taking it, I cant stop this medication, any ideas?
Q. I have terrible insomnia but I notice about 10 minutes after taking the medication, I binge eat, it's nto good when your on a diet. Ive tried everything and eating something when I take it seems to help but am wondering if anyone else has had this issue and any ways to stop binge eating?

A. Lots of sleep meds can make u binge eat. Try may sound crazy but here's a few ex of what u could try:
Melatonin and extract of oats at night
try this for a wk
Valerian root tea, with other sleeping herbs, catnip, scullcap, mint, etc.
try this for a wk
then: valerian rt extract
or wild bergamont {Monarda fistula} tea
when all else fails, try one pill of trazadone
keep trying different things.........exercise works wonders for insomnia
look up Rose Mountain herbs for those extracts ....... oats are great!
insomniac myself
one to another...........never tried ambien but stay away from it!
best of luck to ya

What kind of effects does lapictal have on depression?
Q. Hi. I have major depression, generalized anxiety disorder and a problem with binge eating. Currently I'm taking 80mg of fluoxetine (prozac), 30mg of phentermine, and 3mg of alprazolam (xanax) every day. My psychiatrist has decided to add lamictal as a mood stabilizer. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this constellation of symptoms and/or medications.

A. I have MDD too and a nonspecific anxiety disorder. I am currently on 200mg of Lamictal and it does help a lot; it is a really good mood stabilizer, and it helps with my anxiety too. I have not experienced any side effects, and you dont really need to worry about the rash, it is very rare. My friend actually got it and nothing bad really happened, she just told her doctor right away and stopped taking it, and had no lasting effects. I would really recommend it!

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