How to maintain my weight after losing weight?And how can I stop binge eating?

Q. I've been on a low calorie diet for about 2 months and lost 25 pounds, but now I can't stop binge eating and I gained about 5 pounds in a few days!
How do I maintain my weight WITHOUT dieting and exercise ( I don't have time to exercise more than once a week)? And why am I having a huge appetite lately? When I was on diet I could go for more than 16 hours without eating, but now I can't go more than 2-3 hours before I binge

A. Always prepare ahead and have healthy snacks to munch on in your purse to eat through out the day to keep your metabolism moving.

How is overeating different from binge eating?
Q. I am doing a project, and some of the subtitles include overeating and binge eating. I did binge eating already, but when i try to research overeating, it brings up the same information.

A. over eating is eating bigger portions all the time as to where binge eating you consume a lot of calories in a short period of time and is not a every meal , everyday thing. where those of us that over eat just alway eat to big of portions

How can I keep myself from binge eating?
Q. I'm on a diet and it was going really well but then I got the munchies and consumed waaaay to many calories and carbs. How can I resist the urge to binge eat?

A. Some Advice...
#Don't Calorie Count.
#Like the other reply PLENTY OF WATER
#Space out your food through the day fairly, so you're not starving for the next feed.
#Make your meals enjoyable, don't have to be bland
#Put in a cheat meal every 5th day
#If you do binge/ plan the binge...then dont eat anything else for the day to add more damage
#If you gave in to a bad feed, have an extra workout so at least you done something to counter it
#If you binge, do it EARLY in the day, NEVER late before BED.

Hopefully this will help you a bit. Cheers

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