How can i lose two pounds by April 18th with is next wednesday?

Q. I only have dance until this thursday but its for a couple of hours and friday i have 2 hours of gymnastics. I need to lose two-five pounds by next wednesday when im going to pennsylvania. Im like anwhere from 115-117. All ive done the last three days is eat junk food, ive eaten very bad the last couple of weeks. I need to eat better but i dont know how. I try to only eat 900 calories and not eat lunch or snacks but it doesnt work i go on binges and idk, sometimes i wish i would get like the stomach flu or something to lose weight. Im soo fat i need to lose weight. This isnt a cry for attention, this is how i feel.
im 13 and i cant go on those diets like south beach diet and those. I was thinking about limiting my calories to like 900

A. The quickest way I believe is going to be The Atkins diet combined with a light excercise routine (walk for 30 minutes 3-4 times before the 18th). A lot of people that have strong opinions about this diet usually know little or nothing about it at all. This diet acts as a natural diuretic and appetite suppressant. It generally benefits people who are big meat eaters and who don't like calorie or fat gram restrictive diets (men!!). I have been on and off this diet for over 5 years now (I am a female) and have had my 16 year old nephew on it for the past year and a half. He was extremely obese at 317 pounds. He is down to 215 pounds and that's with NO exercise at all. This diet is not for the faint of heart. It takes EXTREME willpower to stay on this diet. You don't realize how much of a carb addict you are until you try to wean yourself off of them. The induction phase of the diet lasts two weeks and it is usually during this phase that dramatic weight loss can occur. If you are considering this diet you should read up on it first or buy one of Atkin's books so that you better understand how the diet works. You will also need a good vitamin supplement and Ketostix. The Ketostix are an indicator of whether your body is in moderate to heavy fat burning mode. And although I do mention that my nephew lost 102 pounds in the year and a half he's been on the diet without excercise, I believe that exercise should be a part of your life routine regardless of what you eat on a daily basis. And no, I do not work for the Atkins company. I am only speaking from my personal experience and the experiences of family and friends around me. Good luck with the weight loss!!

Can you eat enough to tear something in your digestive system?
Q. I'm just curious, I'm not like a competitive eater or something, I was thinking about how much competitive eaters eat and how small the stomach is in its natural state.

A. Yeah, over eating can cause the stomach to burst releasing its acid. It was in a 1000 ways to die when a female model try to eat as much as she can to binge. Then she died cause of too much food in her stomach before she could throw up.

i was wondering the reason people start to have eating disorders?
Q. I am doing a project for sociology

A. It depends on the disorder. I've pasted a link below for the National Eating Disorder Association that you may want to visit. In a nutshell, the 3 most popular disorders are:

Over-eating: People use food as a drug to increase the seratonin levels in the brain. For them, eating food soothes them and triggers the same chemicals that are triggered when an alcoholic or drug addict goes on a binge. It falls within the scope of psychiatric disorders.

Anorexia: Sufferers have a distorted body image (anorexics are usually female). Although they may look skeletal, they see themselves in the mirror as "fat". It usually requires years of behavioral therapy or even inpatient care to overcome the worst cases. So anorexia is also a psychiatric problem.

Bulemia: Sufferers binge on foods to release seratonin levels (just like over-eaters). They are then plagued by guilt or shame, and induce vomiting to prevent weight gain (the rollercoaster ride is similar to someone who is manic/depressive.) It also falls under the classification of a psychiatric disorder. Many bulemics end up with hemorrhages or rips in their esophagus causing them to vomit blood or suffer sever stomach problems, not to mention tooth decay from the acidic vomit passing over the teeth on a daily basis.

Technically, all three of the major eating disorders have a psychiatric origin, which is why all three are usually improved by combining healthy eating habits WITH counseling or regular therapy. There are other, less-known disorders as well.

I've included some links for you below. Good luck with your research paper.

Love & Blessings

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