How to deal with binge eating disorder BY YOURSELF?

Q. I'm positive I have binge eating disorder. It started 3 and a half years ago, lightly at first but 2 years ago it got worse. I tried to talk to my mother that all this is not normal but she thinks I'm overreacting and that it's all in my head. I don't really know what caused my BED but I want to deal with it and for now professional help is not an option so what can I do to overcome it?

P.S. I'm 21.

A. Please, please go into the hospital and get help for your BED. I'm 22 and just went through the smae thing. I did Inpatient for a week and then OP (outpatient) for 5 more before discharge. It has been overwhelming, sad, hard, difficult, and also life changing, beautiful, and wonderful. You will meet people who you will stay friends with for life. Don't be scared- if you are, that's ok too, only natural. I was TERRIFIED my first day when I went in, and by the end, I loved all of the girls (and guys) I had met and was sad to leave them, but on we must go into the world and away from the eating disorde.

We did 8:15 weigh in, breakfast till 9. then process group (talking about feelings and current day to day situations) until 10:30. then a snack. then spirituality or nutrition or something like that until 11:45. then lunch. then expressive therapy until 2. then we would break apart into various groups like restricting, binge eating, etc whatever you're dealing with. then another snack... and then home. in patient is the same kind of stuff just longer hours and more rules. even in outpatient though, you have to show your tray and show that you're not hiding anything. no exercising- everyone is on exercise restriction. no napkins or pockets where you can hide food. bathroom breaks are monitered. we also have to do challenge foods once a week that we would normally restrict, or binge and purge on. also meetings with dieticians, psychiatrists, and case managers and so forth. It's hard but it is SO worth it. It can't be any harder than staying in your ED, and the result of getting better is the more positive choice.

Best of luck- get well and be brave.


How can I lift my mood during the day?
Q. I always get in a foul mood at about 3 o'clock, mostly because I'm tired but I know that I have to keep going because I still have to get through my workout and my homework before bed. I have gained about 20 pounds recently because I have been binge eating, and a bad mood is constantly sabotaging my efforts! How can I improve my feelings so I can stick to my goals?

A. Try to switch your work outs until the am, this will suck at first but kick butt in the ling run. Then at 3 at least you know that is out of the way. As far as the binge eating, that triggered by stress and to curb that replace all the junk food with quality nosh. Trade the salty chips for roasted almonds or lightly salted peanuts. Trade the candy for an apple or banana, its all about staying full so you dont over eat. I know when I binge I feel like crap from the crap food, sugars and processed foods severely effect your moods.

I need some binge eating support, where can I turn to?
Q. I can't stop binge eating! I hate it. I can easily consume 10 candybars with peanut butter in one sitting, or a whole box of cookies at once, or a whole pizza plus desert. It is so bad, I feel disgusted with myself and I need to quit.

I am a male, and have seen many sites with females talking about this type of emotional eating.

Any other males out there like me struggling?

All tips welcome, and I really would like some1 to talk to for support.

A. man do i know how crappy it feels
i gained about 50lbs in 2005 summer
thats bad
you really need support from your family on this
I come from a family that thinks the more you eat the healthier you'll be >so it was tough for me
but I got through it I lost 60 lbs in 4months after I had realized what I was doing was horrible
You really need to get whoever buys the food in the house to stop buying so much of it
The thing that got me into binge eating in the first place was, quite ironically, I would tell myself to go on a diet that restricts certain foods, I would do quite well throughout the day but come dinner time I would tell myself "you did well, reward yourself" and as soon as I took the box of oreos I would then tell myself "fuck it, I'll start tommorow" and eat everything in sight
diets are really Not cool at all
sounds weird but...
You should eat the foods you like but, what I did was, I wait until I am hungry, then eat a meal, then wait again, then eat again, when i finished a meal I completely tried as hard as I could to find something to do (in order to keep my mind off food)
I know how you feel

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