Is binge eating healthy to gain weight if you are underweight?

Q. I'm 5ft 3 and 98lbs. I have been binge eating and I've gained like 2lbs every few days. I probably eat around 10,000-20,000 calories a day. No joke. My stomach hurts quite a bit sometimes. It's really, really bloated also and round. I try to balance out my diet though, so it's not like I am eating just one thing.

A. No, this is not recommended. Rapid weight gain is very hard on your heart.

Try eating normal meals, and having an Ensure twice a day, as snacks between breakfast/lunch and lunch/dinner.

If you have trouble gaining, you should get an appointment with a nutritionist, they will help you do it in a healthy way.

How to overcome binge eating disorder?
Q. I am putting on weight fast. I have binge eating disorder. I need to do something about it. I am by no means fat, but I am so unhealthy and so unhappy with my body. I eat all the time, and I can not bring myself to stop. I really need help. It sounds like a joke, not a serious problem, but it is a big problem and it takes over my life. I plan on eating good all day and it never happens. I say I will work out but never do. Where do I begin??? Help me please

A. Binge eating is not about simple dieting. You need to address the source of your anxious or depressed state of mind. Without working through these issues, binge eating will keep coming back. They can be family relational issues or trauma etc. and also work on your eating habits. You need professional help and guidance. It is nearly impossible to overcome on your own. please look into eating disorder centers and get yourself assessed. They will recommend an appropriate treatment and therapy for you. The great thing is that it is curable. But get help as soon as you get. Longer you wait, it will be harder to treat. Insurances also cover eating disorders. Don't be afraid and don't be ashamed! It is NOT your fault!! And you are worth it!

Would you call this anorexia or binge eating?
Q. Okay, so my mum's freaking out thinking I'm going anorexic just because I've lessened my portions recently, lol. I admit it's because I want to go thin and I don't have the patience or time to exercise thanks to my assignments and the extra stress. I actually find skipping meals or eating something small appealing but I actually just binge-eat. Do you think there is potential of anorexia?

A. Anorexia: When you starve yourself completely.
Binge Eating: When you don't eat anything and then suddenly you eat EVERHTHING. Lol

Well, food disorders are not a joke.
And actually cutting your meals under than 1,300 will make it harder for you to lose weight because your body goes on danger mode.

Just watch what you eat.
Chose healthier options.

It's okay to want to lose weight, but do it the right way.
Stay healthy!

Good luck. :)

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