I'm not sure if I have an eating disorder.?

Q. Now I know what anorexia is, and bulimia. However, I seem to be falling in the middle of anorexia and binge eater. I dont know if I could be said to have an eating disorder though. Pretty much what happens is I starve myself for a few days eating no more than 300 calories at all. Then I tend to give in to my hunger and binge until I gain all the weight I lost back.

This has been going on for four years, but recently it seems to have taken a turn for the worse. However, I don't believe it would count in terms of having an eating disorder. I don't ever lose the weight for long, which is why no one notices. I tend to jump between 90 and 100 pounds because of my starving and binge eating.

Does anyone know if this would be considered as something needing help or am I just being like a normal person.

A. http://www.diet-blog.com/archives/2006/02/20/ednos.php
i know how you feel I am almost the same, eventually your body wil shut down as in dying and hun i dont want you to harm yourself!! your kind of eating disorder is called EDNOS (i have it too) your right it is right inbetween having blunemia and anarexia. (look at links above) i know it really sucks!! go see a nutritionist or go see a therapist or even one of those recovery places!! <3 I hope i helped and get better!!
<<<3~ saty strong! :D im rooting for you!

Help! I have a bad relationship with food and I don't know how to fix it?
Q. I hardly every feel hungry but I constantly think about food and when I eat, it's not uncommon for me to keep eating after I'm full. When food is around I have very little self control and I usually feel disgusting after I eat. I haven't yet heard of an eating disorder like this (I don't have binge eating disorder, trust me), it's more of a food addiction I think. I'm not going to a therapist or talking to a counselor about this, so what can I do to fix this on my own? Are there any books or websites?? thanks

A. I was anorexic for about two years and I told my first boyfriend about it. However, things didn't work out and I broke up with him. He was making me eat & it bothered me.

About a month later after we broke up. The negative feelings I experienced in that relationship mirrored my past, and the child sexual abuse I had experienced. I lost control of my eating.

I went to a therapist.

For four months, I binged on food. I spent over $1000 of my own money on food. I gained 60lbs.

I dropped in and out of treatment several times until I FINALLY committed myself to getting better for MYSELF and no one else.

I was out of control; my second boyfriend supported my recovery from binge-eating disorder. We have been together ever since. :]

If you'd like you can visit my blog. It's about my entire life. Starting out from who raised me, the abuse, family history, and changing these behaviors. I talk about binge-eating disorder, anorexia, PTSD. etc.

I just like sharing my life with people maybe it will help someone out there dealing with an eating disorder...

I've been through a lot this year (2011). I am proud to say I have recovered, but not perfectly. I am human<3.

Please visit my blogs:

elcorazonnuncamuere.wordpress.com (My Life) Binge-eating Disorder & Anorexia

thehealingprocess2011.wordpress.com (My Recovery)

or you can watch my video on youtube:


No weight loss after 2 months?
Q. I have just recovered from two eating disorders. The first was a form of anorexia where I ate a restricted amount of food and severely over-exercised. This behavior caused me to suffer from Binge Eating Disorder, causing my weight to go from about 120 to 188 in a period of about 8 or 9 months. However, I am recovered now and have been exercising regularly and lifting weights for two months. Despite this, according to the scales, I have not lost any weight, but I feel drastically healthier/more toned. Can muscle weight really weigh that much or is the no change on the scale due to repercussions of the eating disorder(s)?
Ironically, I also want to be a dietician so I do know how to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, so I don't believe it is a problem with exercise/ diet.

A. I think you have a long road to recovery due to the damage done to your metabolism by the eating disorders. If you stick with it and eat healthy, while continuing to lift weights and do cardio, you should see your weight stabilize. The worst thing you can do at this point is stop lifting weights, because it will break down your metabolism again. Lots of advice at the blog below. Best wishes.

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