How to stop binge eating disorder ?

Q. I used to be pretty skinny and completely satisfied with myself...I loved my body... But now I cannot stop my unbelievable cravings and binges.. I have gained about 25 pounds and I am very depressed about it... I honestly feel so gross... but sometimes I just CANNOT stop! Is there anyone with any ideas on how to control this? Thank you so much for your answers!

A. I used to be similar. I posted a picture of a model in a bathing suit on my mirror to encourage me to not overeat and keep working out and so far, it's working!

Does my friend have an eating disorder?
Q. I was hanging out with a friend and found over 100 pictures of herself on her computer. She had a lot of pictures of just her body from the side and a lot of just her stomach. She has been known to binge eat on sweets and fast food and she also buys her clothes way too small. I thought maybe she buys her clothes too small so that she has to lose weight in oder to fit into them. Do you think it is possible that she is suffering from an eating disorder? If so what is the best way to handle this situation?

A. not necessarily.maybe she just thinks she is sexy and likes to waer reviling clothes..but you should watch her closer to see for shure.

What is a good presentation I can give for my final project?
Q. For my oral communications class, for the final assignment
we have to speak for 3 minutes, and answer any questions from the audience.
the professor let's us choose the topic.

the key to this topic is that it must have visual aids. the visual aids cannot just be to look pretty, they MUST have a purpose, something to enhance/make clear for the audience (for example: a pie chart ,or clear bar graph of something)

the presentation cannot be
-how to do something

thank you!!!

A. Well, I would suggest the topic of "Eating Disorders - a Social Epidemic"

Eating disorders are so common in America that 1 or 2 out of every 100 students will struggle with one. Each year, thousands of teens develop eating disorders, or problems with weight, eating, or body image.

Eating disorders are more than just going on a diet to lose weight or trying to exercise every day. They're extremes in eating behavior â the diet that never ends and gradually gets more restrictive, for example. Or the person who can't go out with friends because he or she thinks it's more important to go running to work off a snack eaten earlier.

The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (usually called simply "anorexia" and "bulimia"). But other food-related disorders, like binge eating, body image disorders, and food phobias, are becoming more and more common.

I've added the links that will help you. The 2nd link is for your visual aid on pictures of anorexia, it is disturbing and quite frightening.

If you choose this topic, send me a PM and let me know how it goes.

Good luck on your presentation. Happy Holidays as well.

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