How can I stop binge-eating in the middle of the night?


A. Brush your teeth, this definetely helps suppress appetite. Also drink water if you feel like binging, this may just be your body saying it is thirsty.

How do stop binge eating?
Q. Hi I'm 27 year old female and I have binge eating problems. I do not purge but
I consume alot of food in one sitting several times a day sometimes .what can I do to stop this . It is at its worst in the middle of the night

A. What brings on the binge? Is it emotional? Is it actual hunger? Is it that you are eating something so tasty that you just can't get enough? I would assume if you do this multiple times a day that you are steadily gaining weight.

An appetite suppressant might work if it's because of hunger. If so, why are you so hungry? Are you getting a balance of protein, fats, and good carbs? Do your binges consist of a bag of chips, ice cream, and a box of oreos? You might not be getting the correct nutrients.

With all this said, I would contact your primary care doctor and talk to them about this. There may be underlying reasons. You never want to drastically change your diet without the guidance of a doctor. Don't be embarrassed, this is what doctors are for, to help you be healthy. You won't be judged...

Good luck!

What should I do? I hate myself, my life is messed up help me?
Q. Ok so the first thing I hate about myself is I'm really scared because I'm starting to LOVE getting f*cked up. All I do is get high (marijuana), alcohol, and sometimes cough syrup or cough syrup mixed with jungle juice, and xanax, and I love being out of my mind and out of control. Sometimes, like last night, I mix all of those things, which I'm aware can kill me. The problem is, this is all happening too fast. I hadn't had a droplet of alcohol until like 3 months ago and I also tried weed about 3 months ago. I had good intentions for experimenting: I have OCD and I was deathly afraid of drugs, alcohol, caffeine, food preservatives/colors, to the point where I couldn't eat anything and it controlled my life. I wanted to conquer some of those irrational fears and now it's one extreme to the other. All I wanted was to let go a little, and now all I care about is the next time I'll be high or drunk.

2nd thing: I"m a college student and I just started my freshmen year. I'm literally failing everything. I go to a top notch university, best in my state, top 20 in the US because I used to be an extreme perfectionist so if I got a 99 I would cry and hate myself. I have overcome my OCD and perfectionism, so now without wanting to be perfect, I have no motivational drive. I either have to get all A's or all failing grades. There's no middle ground for me. I have no direction, no real goals of what I want to become. All I wanted was perfection, that was my only goal and now I"m the complete opposite.

I also hate how un-caring I've become. I don't care about anyone or anything but myself and partying. I want to care about other people. I see people suffering and I see people on the streets in my college town, but instead of stopping and buying them food, I spend it all on myself. I don't know how to care but I really want to be a good person again. I also used to be very involved in animal rights. I still really "care" about that stuff deep down but I don't really because caring isn't a feeling, it's taking action. I was a vegan and I still "am" a vegan (at least I still tell people I'm a vegan) but I"ve had an eating disorder for 9 years (mostly anorexia but mixed with purging/compulsive exercise) and I'm starting to binge/purge again which I will fix. But the thing is, I always binge on sweets and cookies and cakes and those aren't vegan and i know It's all bs and I don't actually care about animals because I *say* I do but then I turn my back and binge on non-vegan food and I'm the biggest joke and hypocrite on this entire planet.

Someone, help. I'm broken. I'm a f*ck-up.

A. How special you are...
your presence is a gift to the world,
you are unique and different from all others.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Live it once a day.

Count your blessings,
not your problems,
and see how you move forward.
There are many answers within you,
Understand, be brave, be strong.

Do not set limits,
your dreams are waiting to become true.
Do not leave your importante decisions to chance,
strive to reach the goal,
your goal,
and your prize.

Nothing makes you lose more energy than concerns,
The more time you keep a problem, the heavier it becomes.
Do not take things too seriously.
Live your life with serenity, not with regrets.

Remeber that a little bit of love can last long time.
Remember that enough love can last for ever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life treasures are people ...when they're together.

Have health, hope and happiness,
Take the time to wish upon a star.
And do not forget, even for a day
How special you are!

Best Regards

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