How to kill food addiction?

Q. Oh god. I'm addicted to food. I like to eat. When I'm eating food, I lose my control. After that my stomach become huge. Then I purge. Because I can't do anything with the huge stomach. May be it can be binge eating disorder and bulimia. But except that I need your kind suggestion. Please advise me on this matter.

A. Bulimia is addressed in section 39, at and also see section 56. I suggest that you seek professional help, now, because bulimia is addictive, and has a high death rate.

Few people are capable of overcoming it, by themselves. You could first try becoming a grazer, and avoid getting hungry in the first place, so not triggering the urge to overeat, then purge. Support websites are shown; use them when needed, especially just after eating.

Most people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or, quicker, cheaper, and more conveniently: Control Bulimia

Binge eating disorder or just eat a lot?
Q. I'm not sure if I have binge eating disorder, because ever since I was a kid I just liked to eat! Like I'd wake up when I was in kindergarten and have 5 bowls of cereal, and I could eat and eat mac and cheese, etc... It's only become a problem because in the passed few years I've been gaining weight. And I don't have any past traumatic events that I feel like I need to cover up. How do I know if it's an impulse control problem or just a bad habit?
Well I never eat when I'm upset or sad or angry or anythng like that, mostly I'll just be bored, actually hungry, or genuinely craving something.

A. 5 bowls of cereal is way too much for a kid and your parents should have done something about it a long time ago. You have an eating disorder and you don't have to have any traumatic events in your life to have one... but people who have these problems generally have an emotional connection with their food and how it makes them feel. If you are gaining weight and it's starting to show, you should see a psychotherapist that specializes in eating disorders. You might even benefit from hypnotherapy.

How to control my binge eating?!?
Q. So a few months back for about 4+ months I was going through anorexia and I lost about 30 pounds.
And I have recovered from that. But now a few months later, a lot has been going on in the past two months and I've been getting so stressed out and emotional. And I've been getting tension headaches and binge eating a lot. I try my best to control it but just the littlest thing can set me off and i dunno I can't control it!
I went to the doctors recently for the headaches and she said I should try a therapist. And I'm not all up for that yet, but then family suggested yoga classes. Or even meditation for my stress.
Do you think that could sort of help my binge eating too?
And also I just think I'd feel awkward cause I'm only 16 and going into a yoga class with older people? Haha I dunno if I could get used to that.

A. You could try Hypnotherapy actually if you feel it is completely out of control, I've heard that it is extremely effective for binge eaters. (If you're interested you can go to your local doctor and he/she can recommend a Hypnotherapist to you) You should give the Yoga class a go if you feel comfortable, more young people are beginning to do it now, and I doubt that you would be the youngest in the class. One of the youngest, maybe :P

What can I do?Please read this.?
Q. Hello everyone,
this is a long post but please read on.I am a type 1 diabetic(for 16 years) control isn't great..mostly hyperglycemia.There are several reasons why my control is terrible but I cannot seem to solve them.(I do realise the serious consequences of bad diabetic control.).Problem number 1-I eat way too much food-I reckon I binge eat,but I feel very hungry a lot of the time..I distract myself drink water and wait if I have eaten just a short while ago but the hunger is so strong I end up eating.But when I have finished eating and I am no longer hungry I cannot stop myself!.There are also other times when I emotional eat-usually bad foods like chocolate biscuits take aways...the ironic thing is I often feel down as my diabetes is controlling me but binge eating is making it worse.I guess you are probably thinking why don't I get help but I did last year and it didn't help me at all.I was on medication 40mg of prozac and attending a psycotherapist once a week for 3 months and I continued to binge eat and they were aware of this.To make matters worse I suffer from diabulimia-I skip my insulin so my body does not absorb the food and I loose weight.I know this is terrible.I have no energy at all..I cannot wake up in the morning..I feel weapy and lethargic all day.I feel like I cannot be helped...when I decide I will get back on track and I eat lowcarb I feel faint and I am just as useless....I feel like I cannot be helped....I need to take my insulin but I do not want to blow up...I really want to stop binging but it is like a demon in my brain...should I try hypnotherapy..any suggestions??Please don't lecture meI was thinking about taking up smoking as I think this will curb my appetite,

A. Don't take up smoking! And I don't mean to lecture, but you know that you need to take your insulin. Not taking it only adds to the trouble.

Maybe buy foods that aren't part of a pack (such as biscuits). Buy foods that come as portion size, so even if you keep going once you're full, you won't be eating huge amounts at a time.
(For example it would be better to buy little bars of chocolate instead of one huge bar)

It sounds obvious, but you could try just buying healthy foods?
Making unhealthy food less available could be a start.

As for stopping the actual binging, the only thing that can stop that is you. Take a small amount of the food that you want to eat into a different room, and eat it away from the kitchen. Once you've finished eating just leave the plate and occupy yourself with something else.
Count to 10 (or 100, or whatever you need) whenever you feel like binging, and remind yourself that you're not hungry and you can go without.

You could always go back to the doctor or try a different program?

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