Where can a person that is blind and suffers with addiction find inpatient treatment?

Q. My father is dying of his diabetes and has a serious food addiction. To make things even harder, he is blind and I believe adds an extra obstacle for him to learn to cope with this challenge that is killing him. Anyone who knows where I can find an in-patient treatment facility that would be capable of handling binge-eating disorders or food addictions of a blind man, I'd be very interested in hearing about. PLEASE this is a very sensitive topic, only serious responses and suggestions please. Thanks

A. ANY food disorder unit can treat him. blindness has no bearing on his ability to get treatment.

remember: you can lead a horse to water you can NOT make it drink. it does NOT sound like he wants help. sounds like a death wish...

sorry gotta tell it like i see it...

what is your diet like?
what exercise are you getting for 15-60 minutes per day?
what relaxation techniques are you practicing twice daily 20 minutes each session?

take care of YOU.

I am a therapist in Colorado.

What are your feelings about your eating disorder?
Q. I am writing a paper on eating disorders and I think it would be helpful to those reading it to really understand how someone feels with an eating disorder. If you have anorexia, bulimia, and/or compulsive eating, would you please tell me how this makes you feel?

A. Since I was little I remember feeling that it was very important to be skinny. I was extremely sensitive about weight. I was always scared out of my mind of being fat. Part of it was because when I was little the meanest thing you could call someone was "mean" or "fat" and I got bullied a lot when I was in Elementary school. When my family moved just before middle school, I had an extremely low self esteem and a fear of being fat... so I was pretty much destined to have an eating disorder. I mean I felt like my life was out of control, and I had gained a few pounds so in my eyes I had to be fat. All I remember thinking was that I could not get fat, that I'd rather die. I remember as I became tinier and tinier that I began to feel a sense of pride over my frailness and it was, in my head, my only good quality. So when my friends and family tried to get me to gain weight in 8th grade. I thought they were crazy. Being thin was all I had, and sometimes I believed that the only reason my friends were my friends was because I was skinny. I honestly believed that my whole self identity was based on being the skinniest girl in the grade. But then my friends basically forced me to eat when I was with them and they would ramble off stupid facts about the effects of eating disorders, and they went to the school counselor. At first I was angry, but it was one of the only time I ever felt loved when my friends were crying over the fact that I couldn't eat a piece of pizza without throwing up. I tried to get better once I felt like people needed me to get better and that I was loved and therefore worth something, but I was so addicted to being skinny. Then one of my stupid freinds told my crush at the time to talk to me about my eating disorder. He handed me a bowl of spaghetti at a party and insisted that I eat it. I insisted I was fine. He was insistent that I was anorexic if I didn't eat his stupid spaghetti. So I ate a whole plate of spaghetti everyday just to try to prove to him that I was not some crazy anorexic girl. Well, it worked. I got 'cured'. But then I moved again, and again, and again. 3 times during my first few years of high school. And everytime I moved I felt completely confused and lost, and even though I've figured out how stupid eating disorders are, I always succumb for a few weeks to the binge-purge cycle of bulimia. Then it goes away and, I always think I'm fine, that it's over completely, until something drives my emotions crazy and I don't know how to handle it so I use my only coping mechanism for a few days. I'm proud to say that it's been 3 months since I last threw up, the longest it's ever been between relapses, and I'm hoping that I finally kicked the habit.

I am in recovery for an eating disorder. How do i cope with work stress without using food?
Q. I have struggle with a food addiction in the form of binge eating and bulemia for years. i attend a twelve step program and an out patient program. I work f/t b/c i like what i do and need the income right now. it is causing me a lot of stress and i feel as though i am white knuckling my abstinence at work. any advice?

A. Well I say take to time to wind down when you get home relax or make quite time for yourself. If you feel you need to eat try to chew sugar free gum .

Ive developed depression and a binge eating disorder to cope with it what should i do?
Q. I gained TEN POUNDS! :( It sucks. I used to be thin. For a few weeks I wills be good and eating fine then bam I just can't do it anymore and it all goes down the drain.

A. It is imperative that you get outside professional help by a licensed mental health counselor due to binge eating disorder. You may be able to attend a 12-step self-help group such as Overeaters Anonymous or Eating Disorders Anonymous, but they are not in place of a licensed therapist.

This site has more information and resources pertaining to eating disorders: http://www.something-fishy.org

This other site has more information about treatment for eating disorders: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/eating_disorder_self_help.htm#treatments

For an self-help OA meeting: http://www.oa.org/meetings/

Eating Disorders Anonymous has fewer meetings than OA, but here is the site to search for any local meetings: http://www.eatingdisordersanonymous.org/meetings.html and can scroll down the page.

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