How does bulimia using laxatives work?

Q. I'm writing a paper for a health class and i'm just not too sure on how the laxatives part works. I know how the vomitting works inside and outside.

Things i'd like to know:
side effects (negative AND positive; including time frames if possible)
why it's "better" than iduced vomitting
why it's "worse" than iduced vomitting
how nutrition is obtained (ie the "marker" in vomitting)
how often one is compelled to purge
how often or how long one is compelled to binge
how long is the inteval in between "feeding periods"

I am open to facts from anyone qualified to diagnose eating disorders, to a person who has a friend who is/was, to someone who is currently/has suffered bulimia.

Please and Thanks

A. Sure, it can work, but it can also be deadly.
Laxitives cause food to pass through the system bofore its nutrients have had time to be absorbed by the body. But by doing this, you are depleting the body of important fluids and electrolytes that are needed for every organ to function properly, including the heart.
Inducing vomiting however is damaging to the esophagus and can cause tears, swelling and scarring there. It also destroys the enamal of the teeth. Nutrition is obtained through it's absorption in the small and large intestine, so any means in which food either passes to quickly (laxitives) or never makes it to the small/large intestine (vomiting) prevents adequate nutrition intake. One is compelled to purge when they feel they have taken in an excess of food. True binge eaters can consume as many as 20,000 calories in one sitting (ten times what you should get in a day). The interval between binging periods varies from person to person, but as time goes on, it usually becomes more frequent.

What kind of effects does lapictal have on depression?
Q. Hi. I have major depression, generalized anxiety disorder and a problem with binge eating. Currently I'm taking 80mg of fluoxetine (prozac), 30mg of phentermine, and 3mg of alprazolam (xanax) every day. My psychiatrist has decided to add lamictal as a mood stabilizer. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this constellation of symptoms and/or medications.

A. I have MDD too and a nonspecific anxiety disorder. I am currently on 200mg of Lamictal and it does help a lot; it is a really good mood stabilizer, and it helps with my anxiety too. I have not experienced any side effects, and you dont really need to worry about the rash, it is very rare. My friend actually got it and nothing bad really happened, she just told her doctor right away and stopped taking it, and had no lasting effects. I would really recommend it!

What are the side effects of yo yo dieting?
Q. I go on a diet and lose lots of weight then i go back to my old habits and binge eat on junk food (especially chocolates) and put all the weight i lose back on again then i go on the diet all over again and the the cycle repeats itself again and again and again!

A. All i can think of is...

Stretch marks
Strain on your heart
Maybe hurt your stomach (from the bad foods?)

Im like you im a bit of a yo yoer, however if you are like me and its just 5kg or so then i don't think it will do too much damage. What ive done is removed chocolate from my diet (which was very hard) but now if i go off my diet i let myself wat anything but chocolate. I don't know if it does anything but i used to eat ALOT of chocolate.

But yeah its probably not very healthy to keep doing it - i can't give you a medical perspective just my opinon. :)

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