I've gained about 4 pounds in one week, Is that even possible?&How can I lose the weight quickly?

Q. I really need to stop eating so much food and binge eating because that much weight gain in one week is ridiculous. I am currently 132 and last week I was 128, I am 5'3" and female, I think to have a flat stomach or be normal looking person I need to weigh around 115. How can I get there physically and emotionally? Such as controlling the binge eating and making good food choices or any diet vitamins/pills? Any ideas?

A. cut back on salt and sugary foods. Also remember weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the bathroom both 1 and 2 and before you eat anything. Then eat like you normally do and weigh yourself before you go to bed and before you go to the restroom that night and ill bet you weigh 2-5 pounds more! Water in take can manipulate your weight but doesnt mean fat can also make you look bloated.

How to control Binge eating when my mind just tries to justify it?
Q. I tell myself oh it's ok not a big deal but it really it. Chocolate takis chips and such is not healthy food at all. I start to overeat whenever my husband goes out with his friends at night and I'm watching movies by myself and feeling lonely I guess. Also how to lose 10 more pounds? I'm 130 at 5'3" and I want to weigh 120

A. what is wrong with 130 pounds??? Stop thinking so bloody much, if that is your biggest worry then get a fuckn hobby! Jesus christ people these days..

can you give me some tips for staying focused on diet and exercise?
Q. when i wake up every day, all i want to do is workout and do stuff. but at night, i have the worst cravings for food. its so bad that once i start, i cant stop. so the only way i keep on track is by eating low carb high protein meals all day. if i deviate from that at all, i lose control and end up binge eating. how can i convince myself that we dont live to eat, but eat to live???

A. I was the same way...2 days ago lmao. Just get obsessed with healthy food. salt is the enemy and so is sugar. Once you get used to the good food your taste buds will change and hate salt and sugar. Like today i had wendys fries and the salt burned my mouth which it usually never does it was so weird but i had to stop eating the fries and go to get a salad lol

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