How can Rex Ryan lose weight if the Jets keep losing?

Q. The man will have a myocardial infarction just on binge eating alone.

A. too many sugar cookies!

Where can I learn if I have binge eating disorder and how can I stop binge eating?
Q. I've been struggling with food for longer than I care to admit. I have researched online, but not 100% sure if I do have binge eating disorder, or if I do, how to stop binge eating. Any ideas or resources would be good so I can learn more. thanks.

A. As far as knowing if you have binge eating disorder, see if any of these sound like you...

1. Are you tired of hiding food wrappers at the bottom of the garbage in hope that no one will see the âevidenceâ?

2. Are you ready to put on a smile for the world and keep it on instead of crawling back into your âsad worldâ when you are alone?

3. Are you ready to end your private nightmare filled with sadness and start a new life filled with excitement and happiness?

4. Do you constantly feel like something is wrong with you and use food to ease the pain?

As far as learning more, I have provided two resources on binge eating disorder. One is a site about a girl who suffered with binge eating disorder for many years, and the other is a binge eating video on YouTube from the same girl.

If you do have binge eating disorder and you're looking for help, you are doing the right thing here by reaching out for help.

How do i overcome binge eating before i gain too much weight?
Q. I am fifteen and have been on a strict but healthy diet for the last six months or so. I reached a healthy weight that i was happy with and have managed to maintain it for a few months however, for the last few weeks i have recurrently been binge eating and i can't seem to control myself- how can i get my health back on track before i gain back all the weight and my binge eating gets even more out of control?

A. I have been having almost the same problem, I went vegan and began running doing yoga and kickboxing and lost about 50lbs. I think it may be because i deprived myself of things i loved like chocolate, and snack foods like chips and i hardly ate any fat. Try to keep cut up fruits and fill yourself up with that. Its worth a try im trying that starting today. I have been struggling with binge eating for months and i gained 14 lbs in one week. I eat until i am uncomfortably full and almost in pain. Its so ridiculous but hard to control. Let me know if u make any progress, good luck and ur not alone in ur struggle

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